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  2. Home Sides Snatch Three Point Wins in Thrilling Finishes

    Superb condition, and the will to win enabled Coburg to stage an amazing finish against Port Melbourne and snap a three-point win. In the best game of the season both sides displayed ability and enterprise of high order. Port's pace and ...

    Article : 726 words
  3. All Preston

    {No abstract available}

    Detailed lists, results, guides : 520 words
  4. Camberwell's Fight at Home

    Playing with great dash and excellent combination. Yarraville established what seemed to be an overwhelming lead in the first half. But after half-time Camberwell were a different team, and with only 10 minutes left to play were only three ...

    Article : 762 words
  5. South's Pace Beats Hawthorn

    Faster in the open game and displaying excellent anticipation and position play, South Melbourne scored a convincing victory. Hawthorn's aerial superiority was most marked, but[?] ...

    Article : 652 words
  6. Next Week's Association Fixtures

    {No abstract available}

    Detailed lists, results, guides : 26 words
  7. Brighton's 10.3

    A remarkable last quarter, in which Brighton overwhelmed their opponents and displayed excellent team work and superior marking—scoring 10 ...

    Article : 553 words
  8. AMATEURS RACE AT PRESTON Junior Events To Johnson

    A muster of 148 amateur cyclists competed today in the two open road races from Preston promoted by Mr H. Hansen, of Speedway Cycles and ...

    Article : 306 words
  9. Northcote's Team Work Tells

    Northcote, superior in the air and faster and surer on the ground, comfortably defeated Prahran at Prahran today. Northcote was not seriously troubled except for a brilliant spasmodic [?]rst by Prahran in the second quarter. The home side wasted ...

    Article : 514 words

    {No abstract available}

    Detailed lists, results, guides : 1,276 words
  11. Pigeon Racing

    The Victorian [?]oming Association's old birds' season was continued today and events were flown Stawell (135 miles) on the western route, as well as from ...

    Article : 213 words
  12. Sandringham Down

    {No abstract available}

    Detailed lists, results, guides : 448 words

    With the 50-kilometre track championship a fortnight distant, members were given a useful Opportunity today to race over a longer distance, when the ...

    Article : 208 words
  14. Lacrosse

    {No abstract available}

    Detailed lists, results, guides : 32 words

    As cycle polo is to form one of the features of the Charity Carnival on the M. C. C. ground on September 7, and at the Royal Show, all those wishing to ...

    Article : 60 words

    The second quarter-final game of the [?]torian Amateur Billiards championship between C T Luff and E N Bracy. began this afternoon [?] has won the ...

    Article : 152 words

    {No abstract available}

    Detailed lists, results, guides : 53 words
  18. Fisticuffs at Yarraville

    Blows were exchanged by two players during the last quarter of the Association Seconds match between Yarraville and Camberwell at Yarraville today. ...

    Article : 37 words



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