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  2. Girl Immigrants.

    A British mission, consisting of two woman delegates, is now on its way to Australia to inquire into the possibilities that exist for the absorption by ...

    Article : 50 words

    Thanks, James, but I never publish testimonials. I much prefer personal recommendations; they are sure to be genuine. "Swamp" is undoubtedly ...

    Article : 57 words
  4. Jobs! Jobs! Jobs!

    At Brennaa's only for 5 days, ends August 5th. £250 worth of Remnants—all dress goods. See the red ink mark. ...

    Article : 24 words
  5. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 73 words

    A cablegram has been received from Canon Garland stating that he was embarking at Burmah on July 26 for Australia. ...

    Article : 821 words
  7. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 75 words

    Sir,—I have noticed in your paper that Mr. G. P. Barnes and a few others are making a public appeal for funds towards putting Spicer's Gap road in ...

    Article : 547 words

    The Queensland Waterloo Cup to take place to-day and Monday on the Warwick racecourse promises to be a huge success. Twenty-nine entries have been ...

    Article : 180 words
  10. Warwick Town Band.

    The Warwick Town Band will play a program of music from the rotunda in Leslie Park to-morrow (Sunday) afternoon, commencing at 3.30 o 'clock. ...

    Article : 40 words
  11. The Month's Rainfall.

    {No abstract available}

    Detailed lists, results, guides : 136 words
  12. £640 in Notes Destroyed.

    A flre at Goulburn destroyed a fourroomed wooden structure and its contents. The occupant states that he had in an iron chest £640 in notes, ...

    Article : 83 words
  13. Ambulance Benefit.

    Headers are reminded that a euchre tournament and dance will be held in the Maryvale Hall on Saturday night, August 9th, in aid of the funds of the ...

    Article : 93 words
  14. Valuable Stam[?]s.

    Stamp collectors will learn with considerable interest that the Federal Government intends shortly to offer for sale a quantity of German New Guinea ...

    Article : 141 words
  15. To-night's Pictures.

    Chief attraction at the Town Hall this evening will be "The Better Half," with Alice Brady playing the dual role of two sisters. Trixie is ...

    Article : 121 words
  16. "Massy Greene's Scheme."

    The suggestions of the Minister for Trade and Customs (says the "Dairy Bulletin") do not constitute a scheme, but are submitted in the hope that out ...

    Article : 160 words

    {No abstract available}

    Detailed lists, results, guides : 212 words

    A correspondent writes to the "Daily News" to-day supporting the suggestion recently made by Mr. G. P. Barnes, M.L.A., regarding the Spieer's ...

    Article : 525 words
  19. Bank Clerks' Union.

    New members ore joining the United Bank Officers Association at the rate of between 50 and 60 a day, says the Sydney "Sun," the total membership ...

    Article : 170 words
  20. Red Cross Society.

    The usual sowing meeting was held on Wednesday afternoon at the rooms. Those present were Mesdames Cullen, Porter, Counsell, Redmond, L. Evans, ...

    Article : 122 words
  21. Christian Brothers' Annual Social.

    The ladies who are organising the Christian Brothers' annual entertainment in the Town Hall next Tuesday night, the 5th inst., are leaving nothing ...

    Article : 286 words
  22. Warwick W.P.O.

    The monthly meeting of the Warwick W.P.O. was held in the Cafe Majestic last Saturday evening. Mr. J. McDonald presided over a good attendance ...

    Article : 152 words

    The "Christian Science Monitor" publishes the following news from its correspondent at New Orleans, Louisiana:— ...

    Article : 841 words
  24. Anti-Profiteering Scheme.

    The N.S.W. Government, which recently announced that it intended to light profiteers, has' formulated antiprofiteering proposals, which will be ...

    Article : 139 words

    The largest mill in the world is that at Poogoondoung, on the Irrawnddy, just below Rangoon, in Burma, built and owned by a British firm for the ...

    Article : 178 words
  26. Ambulance Benefit.

    Once more the music lovers of Warwick will have the pleasure of listening to a very high-class concert given by the four gentlemen who have made ...

    Article : 259 words
  27. Hallway Fares.

    The Government is giving consideration to a proposal for a substantial increase in railway fares and freights, says the Brisbane "Telegraph." The ...

    Article : 269 words
  28. Good Samaritan Lodge P.A.F.S.O.A.

    A summons meeting of the Above Lodge was held at the Protestant Hall last Tuesday night, when one new member was initiated in the order by the ...

    Article : 254 words
  29. A "DRY" WORLD.

    The American Anti-Saloon League, assisted by the United Kingdom Alliance, intends to launch a huge prohibition campaign in Great Britain in the ...

    Article : 190 words

    Forecasts of coming wheat crops supplied to the International Institute of Agriculture at Rome indicate that the United States will have a 60 per cent, ...

    Article : 181 words
  31. DAY BY DAY A Sideboard.

    A Sideboard of fine workmanship in beautiful maple is being shows in W. K. Hyslop and Son's centre window. Price, 23 guineas. ...

    Article : 28 words
  32. Warwick Turf Club

    Members are notified in this issue that entertainment tan amounting to 1/9 should be added to thier annual subscriptions, making the amount ...

    Article : 38 words
  33. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 1 words



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