Her Majesty reached Glasgow on Tuesday morning, and after a most welcome reception from the guide town, proceeded on her journey by ...
Article : 1,180 wordsThere appears to have been a mutiny amongst the seamen of the Uaa, when immigrants. The captain states that he ...
Article : 515 wordsMary Aan Crofts was places in the dock charged with stubbing her husband. Henry Crofts, who was called three times on his subpacua, and not appearing. she ...
Article : 281 words{No abstract available}
Detailed lists, results, guides : 54 wordsIINSOLVENT COURT.— The undermentioned cased stand for hearing before Edward Macdowell, Esq., Commissioner of Insolvent Est[?]tes for Hobart Town, ...
Article : 2,246 wordsSALV. OF SHEEP AND STOCK— Messrs. Dear and Son sold at auction, yesterday, 228 sheep, shorn, with a small station about 128 miles from Melbourne a 4s.9d. ...
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Hobarton Guardian, or, True Friend of Tasmania (Hobart, Tas. : 1847 - 1854), Wed 12 Dec 1849, Page 3
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