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  2. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 540 words

    Ma[?] and Co., local agents for this vessel, advise that they are in receipt of a telegram to the effect that the Ma[?] is expected to leave [?] to-day ...

    Article : 115 words
  4. Owners' Terms

    The Miners' Conference to-day decided that the owners' terms were inadequate and not acceptable, and urged the Government to pass the ...

    Article : 177 words
  5. Guttapercha Planks

    Australia la pre-eminently the laud of State experimentations. State railways, State fleets. State butcheries, fish shops, hotels, State stations--there ...

    Article : 1,155 words
  6. Singapore Scheme

    In the House of Lords the First Lord of the Admiralty (Lord Chelmsford) announced that the Government hoped to bo able to make a statement of its ...

    Article : 51 words
  7. Senator Gardiner's Criticism

    Referring yesterday to the Singapore base proposal, Senator Gardiner, deputy lender of the Federal Labour party, said the most extraordinary feature of ...

    Article : 301 words

    {No abstract available}

    Detailed lists, results, guides : 16 words

    Another children's playground is being opened to-day in Brisbane. This time it is on the south side. "We are told or preparations in hand for one in the ...

    Article : 647 words

    {No abstract available}

    Detailed lists, results, guides : 28 words
  11. TO-MORROW.

    {No abstract available}

    Detailed lists, results, guides : 13 words
  12. Army Estimates

    In moving the adoption of the Army estimates of £45,000,000 in the House of Commons, the Secretary of State for War (Mr. S. Walsh), explained ...

    Article : 345 words
  13. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 30 words
  14. Commoner's Rise

    The "Daily Herald" says that the difficulties in connection with the appointment of Mr. James Brown, a member of the House or. Commons, as ...

    Article : 175 words
  15. Family Notices

    {No abstract available}

    Family Notices : 774 words
  16. Libel Action Filed

    The Federal District Attorney (Mr. W. Hayward) has filed a libel action against the Royal Mall steamer Or[?] demanding a bond of 3,000,000 ...

    Article : 195 words
  17. A Credit Balance

    Reviewing the results of the occupation of the Ruhr in the Senate, the Prime Minister, M. Poincare, said that the receipts for 1924 were estimated ...

    Article : 66 words
  18. Annihilating Space

    In his speech at the annual meeting of the Empire Parliamentary Association the Prime Minister (Mr. Ramsay MacDonald) said: "We are ...

    Article : 107 words
  19. Successful Measures

    A critical debate on the Finance Bill was opened in the Senate, when Senator Beringer presented the Finance Commission's report against the ...

    Article : 287 words
  20. Cape Province Deficit

    Surprise generally is felt at tho Cape administrator's drastic financial proposals. Having to meet a deficit of £600,000, he proposes to cut down ...

    Article : 130 words
  21. Sensational Petition

    A message from Cheyenne (Wyoming) states that Messrs. Pomerene and Roberts appeared in court, und presented a petition bristling with ...

    Article : 192 words

    At last we are entering on a stage in the history of the prickly pear pest at which if can be said the menace is to be really fought. The appointment ...

    Article : 793 words
  23. "Satisfactory"

    The Premier of Queensland, Mr. E. G. Theodore, interviewed by a representative of Router's Agency, stated that the negotiations with financiers in ...

    Article : 90 words
  24. The Commonwealth Loan.

    The closing day of the War Gratuity Redemption and Conversion Loan is approaching, and it rests with the people of Australia to say whether the ...

    Article : 283 words
  25. Two Men Killed

    Two men were killed yesterday afternoon when a motor-car capsized at Dead Man's Gully, six miles from Wa[?]gul. The victims are believed to ...

    Article : 156 words
  26. Emergency Decrees

    Owing to the Opposition's insistence on altering the Government's emergency decrees, the President (Herr Ebert) dissolved the Reichstag. The ...

    Article : 38 words
  27. Dismissed

    The Court of Criminal Appeal yesterday dismissed the appeal of Angus Murray against his conviction for the murder of T. R. Y. Berriman, at ...

    Article : 129 words
  28. U.S.A. Navy

    Curtis Dwight Wilbur, Chief Justitce of the California Supreme Court, has accepted office as Secretary for the Navy. He is a graduate of the United ...

    Article : 53 words
  29. Japanese in U.S.A.

    EX-Senator James D. Phelan (who is an ex-Mayor of San Francisco), heading a California delegation, told the Semite Immigration Committee that ...

    Article : 144 words
  30. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 64 words
  31. The Fabric of Empire.

    The Prime Minister (Mr. Ramsay MacDonald) in a speech delivered to the Empire Parliamentary Association, described the British Empire as ...

    Article : 554 words
  32. British Navy

    Comment on the Naval Estimates chiefly is confined to such views as are to be expected from the various party organs--namely, the ...

    Article : 116 words
  33. Telephone Service

    The Deputy Postmaster-General advis[?] that from April 1 next telephone trunk H[?] calls wilt be charged for on the b[?] of radial instead of actual ...

    Article : 155 words
  34. Colliery Fire

    A fire occurred at the Seymour coal Proprietary works on the East Coast early yesterday morning. The engine-house and all the tools were destroyed. ...

    Article : 118 words
  35. Redwater

    The last two cases of cattle disorder suspected of being tick fever, reported from Crystal Creek. Tweed River, carly in the week, prove not to be such. ...

    Article : 68 words

    As it is considered that an interchange of ideas with delegates from the Dominions and United Slates of America concerning the adoption of ...

    Article : 144 words
  37. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 102 words
  38. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 259 words
  39. Trouble in Grcoce.

    Time has yet to prove whether the [?] as a result of the [?] will become the happy families their [?] them to ...

    Article : 34 words



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