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  1. Please wait. Loading browse data... loading
  2. The Election.

    MR. HODGES addressed the electors in the School of A its on Tuesday evening last. The hall was crowded and the candidate on walking on the platform was long and loudly ...

    Article : 6,937 words
  3. Shipping Intelligence

    April 17.—Warego, 1,719 tons. Captain Lake, from Southern porte, Passengers—Mrs' J.H. Allen. 2 servants and 5 children. Miss [?] Sinclair, Messrs. Furn[?]ax, T. Motion, ...

    Article : 186 words
  4. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 678 words

    [IN no sense whatever do we hold [?]reselves responsible for the opinions expressed under the above heading.] TO THE EDITOR OF THE MERCURY. ...

    Article : 570 words
  6. Mr. Black, at Eton.

    On Tuesday evening, Mr. Black addressed the electors, resident in and around Eton, in the large room of the Great Northern Hotel, Eton. There ...

    Article : 1,166 words



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