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    The Armin, barque, strived in Keppal Bay yesterday, from London, after a long passage. She brings 775 tons of cargo for Rockhampton, and a quantity of machinery. ...

    Article : 32 words

    A report has been received from Professor Hankin, of Cambridge, Stating that successful experiments have been made frith a cure for anthrax. The new remedy is an injection ...

    Article : 59 words
  4. Killed by a Train.

    Sydney Lee, aged 28, a draughtsman in the Locomotive Department Eveleigh, while crossing the rails on business last night was knocked down by a train and killed. ...

    Article : 35 words
  5. POINTS.

    It was rumoured this morning that Alderman W. M. Galloway had announced himself ' as a candidate for the position of mayor. RUMOUR also has it that he is working hard ...

    Article : 1,133 words
  6. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 107 words

    February 6.--ARAMAC. s., 2300 tons, Captain J. E. Meaburn. from Melbourne to Cooktown, via ports. Passengers: Mesdames Bean and 3 children, Vail. E. "Wiesenthal O'Doherty, G. Johnson, Akarman, St. Leon. O'Donoran, and Wirth; ...

    Article : 249 words
  8. Victorian Loan.

    The Premier (Mr. Munro) intends to keep a careful eye on the London money market. He states that his plans with regard to the Victorian loan remain unaltered. ...

    Article : 33 words

    William Fordham, late clerk at the Monte de Piete, was to-day senteneced to 2 years' hard labour for embezzling moneys belonging to the company. ...

    Article : 201 words
  10. Suicide Epidemic.

    There is a regular epidemic of suicides in Melbourne. Yesterday morning a man named Manika hanged himself, two men were rescued from the Yarra, and two women are reported to ...

    Article : 37 words
  11. Religious Disability Bill.

    The Right Hon. W. E. Gladstone in moving the second reading of the bill he had introduced for the purpose of enabling Roman Catholics to ...

    Article : 246 words
  12. Northern Separation.

    It is understood that Mr. Hollis Hopkirs, who is a passenger by the Jumna, which arrived here yesterday, is the bearer of important despatches to the Separation League from ...

    Article : 40 words
  13. Family Notices

    {No abstract available}

    Family Notices : 19 words
  14. Diary.

    {No abstract available}

    Detailed lists, results, guides : 41 words

    {No abstract available}

    Detailed lists, results, guides : 1,034 words
  16. Restaurant Fare.

    Three men were admitted to the Prince Alfred Hospital yesterday, suffering from poisoning. They had previously dined together in an Ultimo restaurant, off beefsteak pudding. ...

    Article : 45 words

    Arrangements have been made for a supply of clothing and bedding to be given to the crew of the Kelton, to replace that destroyed during the,quarantining of the vessel. ...

    Article : 34 words
  18. Bases of Dividends.

    RECENT discussions on the bases of dividends, and on the amount likely to be derived by the Treasury from the Dividend Duty Act reminds us that ...

    Article : 1,609 words
  19. Sir S. W. Griffith.

    Sir S. W. Griffith, Premier of Queensland, having returned to Sydney from the Federal Council, on hie way north, called upon Sir Henry Parkes this morning. The interview ...

    Article : 51 words

    James Monaghan Dooley, a member of the Legislative Assembly, dropped dead in the street in Latrobe yesterday. He was formerly in the survey department, and had been a member of ...

    Article : 38 words
  21. South Australian Loan.

    The result of the South Australian £1,200,000 3½ per cent loan came as a surprise to those engaged in floating it, and it is considered probable that the projected Victorian loan will be ...

    Article : 220 words

    The revenue for the December quarter was £610,015, being an increase of £76,067 on the corresponding quarter of 1889. The railway revenue last week was £27,945, being £7,947 in ...

    Article : 132 words
  23. Goulburn Cathedral.

    The Attorney. General has declined to file a hill in the case of Davit v. Rossi, in which the latter is committed for trail for disturbing a congregation in Goulburn Cathedral. Great ...

    Article : 48 words
  24. A Couple of Fires.

    A disastrous fire, the alleged work of an incendiary, has occurred at Thule station, near Deniliquin, owned by Sir Wm. Clarke. Damage to the extent of £800 was done, and a ...

    Article : 72 words

    The Government have received no farther information from the Agent General as to tho arrangements be is making for the conversion of the remaining New Zealand loans, on which a ...

    Article : 99 words
  26. Miss Wangenheim.

    At the Bankruptcy Court to day an application was made for the voluntary sequestration of the estates of Miss Wangenheim, as Mrs. Emma Carroll, and her husband, Joseph Austin ...

    Article : 69 words
  27. Western Australia.

    In the Assembly, the Tressurer delivered his budget speech, estimating the revenue for 1891 at £439,165, and expenditure at £401,727. The public indebtedness of the colony is £1,284,079, ...

    Article : 174 words
  28. Trade Reciprocity.

    The Canadian Government is reported to be in favour of the establishment of reciprocal trade relations between Canada and the United States, but they are unwilling to agree to a tariff which ...

    Article : 280 words
  29. Mystery Cleared Up.

    A young man named Finney, who mysteriously disappeared a short time ago, while fishing off Manly Pier, aud whoso death was mourned by his wife and friends, arrived by the ...

    Article : 82 words
  30. A Dirty Dwelling.

    An Indian named Fuley Mahomet, a sauce manufacturer, was to day fixed 610 for keeping filthy premises. A house of four rooms was occupied by 40 Indians, and one woman and ...

    Article : 87 words
  31. Monetary and Mining.

    MULDIVA SILVER MINE.--The local secretary Muldiva Silver Mining Company. No liability, wires under date 5th instant: " Waddell reports dated 3rd,Paisley's lode opened, length 60 feet, ...

    Article : 245 words
  32. Australian Loans.

    The real reason for the alleged failure of the South Australian loan would seem to bo tint tho price of tho loan was too high. There was & time when Australia gave 0 par cent for her ...

    Article : 176 words
  33. Wheat Harvest.

    The wheat harvest for the colony is estimated to yield 12,950,00 bushels, leaving 245,000 tons, valued at £1,674,760, available for export. ...

    Article : 32 words
  34. Kangaroo Silver Mines.

    Much indignation is felt here among the mining population in reference to the Kangaroo Hills Silverfield, which several months ago were opened, yet miners applying at the ...

    Article : 123 words
  35. Rockhampton Council.

    A lively meeting of the Rockhampton Municipal Council took place to day, on the occasion of the election of mayor for the ensuing year. A certain section of the council wished to nut ...

    Article : 85 words
  36. Our Special Messages.

    Sir Fredsrick A. Abel, who was knighted in 1883, and who has come prominently before the public as one of the secretaries of the Imperial Institute, has had the order of St. Michael and ...

    Article : 48 words

    An outbreak of war between the Republics of Flonduras and Guatemala, in Central America is considered to be imminent. ...

    Article : 25 words
  38. The Weather.

    Everybody tells everybody that the weather is hot. One is becoming more hardened to the remark than to tho cause of it, for the stontest of our citizens show signs of molting away. It ...

    Article : 309 words
  39. Overland Passengers.

    {No abstract available}

    Detailed lists, results, guides : 145 words
  40. Central District Floods.

    The Fitzroy River shows a considerable increase in the volume of water to-night, and the deepwater wharf has been covered. There is hope that the flood will soon begin to ...

    Article : 92 words
  41. Coming Events.

    {No abstract available}

    Detailed lists, results, guides : 215 words

    Mr. Justin M' Carthy has convened a meeting of the whole of the Irish Nationalist party for the 12th instant. It is anticipated that the conditions of the settlement. It is anticipated that the conditions of the settlement of the leadership ...

    Article : 43 words

    The question of the desirableness of constructing a cable from Vanoouver to Australia has been referred to a joint committee. ...

    Article : 28 words

    Prince Bismarck, speaking to a deputation yesterday,said he deplored the attempts which were being made to disrupt the noble edifice of the German Empire. ...

    Article : 31 words
  45. Reduced Cable Bates.

    The Postmaster General has received a letter from the superintendent of the Eastern Extension Company to the effect that he has received a cable from London, dated February 4, stating ...

    Article : 149 words
  46. Alleged Larceny.

    At the City Police Court this morning, before Messrs. P. Pinnock, P.M., and J. M. Myers, J.P., William Evans and Charles Kennedy appeared on remand on the charge of ...

    Article : 159 words
  47. Minor Offences.

    The following minor cases were dealt with at the City Police Court, this morning, before Mr. P. Pinnock, P.M., and Mr. J. M. Myers, J.P. Four persons, on pleading guilty to ...

    Article : 77 words
  48. Federal Council.

    Return of the Delegates. The Hon. J. M. Macrossan, M. L. A., one of the delegates to the Federal Council, which has just concluded its sittings in Hobart. ...

    Article : 65 words
  49. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 53 words
  50. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 76 words
  51. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 34 words
  52. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 55 words
  53. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 35 words



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