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  2. British Markets Review

    The City this week gave an impression of preparing for the worst while hoping for the best. The markets tended to drift downwards without evidence of much selling pressure except in gilt-edged stocks, while speculative ...

    Article : 403 words
  3. Three Months' Old Mystery Solved

    After more than three months of futile effort, police have established the identity of the man who crashed to death from the Story Bridge on the night of May 28. He was Albert Young, about 30, a single man, of Kelberg Road, ...

    Article : 250 words
  4. "Cost of Roads More Than Met by Present Motor Fees"

    "All motor [?]sers appreciate the fact pointed out by the Treasurer (Mr. F. A. Cooper) that savings In wear and tear have been effected by the ...

    Article : 266 words

    H. W. Broad, president of the Brisbane Golf Club, Miss G. McLeod, president of the Queensland Ladies' Golf Union, Miss E. Hart, captain of the Brisbane Club associates, and J. R. O'Keefe, chairman of the Queensland Golf Council, at the Yeerongpilly links this afternoon when the president's day mixed four ball was ... [ILLUSTRATED]

    Article : 58 words
  6. All Companies Likely fo Grant Concessions on Fire And Accident Policies

    Other insurance companies are [?]ikely to follow the lead of the State Insurance Office and grant similar concessions on fire, motor and marine policies ...

    Article : 128 words
  7. Ithaca Election Appeal Begins on Monday

    The first of its kind for 26 years, the Ithaca Election Appeal will begin on Monday before the Elections Tribunal Judge (Mr. Justice E. A. ...

    Article : 214 words
  8. Fresh Winds And Clouds On Sunday

    Colder night temperatures, fresh south-easterly winds, an increase in cloud, and possibly a light shower or two are predicted for the metropolitan ...

    Article : 215 words
  9. New Water Police Launch Will Have Searchlights

    The new launch for the Water Police, tenders for which will be called shortly, Is to be 45 ft. In length, and equipped with a powerful engine and ...

    Article : 143 words

    The Minister for External Affairs (Mr. W. M. Hughes) will be 74 on Sunday. Although he was reminded of this fact to-day, he was uninterested in the event. ... [ILLUSTRATED]

    Article : 186 words
  11. Melbourne Protest Against Partition of Czechoslovakia

    Plans to drop 500 leaflets, appealing to all peace-loving people to protest against the partition of Czechoslovakia, over Melbourne to-day from an aeroplane ...

    Article : 50 words
  12. Field Wheat Competitions for Warwick District Shows

    It is announced that the Warwick, Pittaworth, Oakey, Dalby, Allora, and Clifton show societies will organise field wheat competitions. The Royal ...

    Article : 62 words
  13. Ipswich Traders to Discuss Finance With Coal Union Next Tuesday

    Although representatives of the Ipswich Traders met officials of the Queensland Colliery Employes' Union last night the Union was not satisfied, ...

    Article : 286 words
  14. Garden Party At Hamilton

    To augment the funds in connection with the Queen competition arranged by St. Cecilia's Convent, Hamilton, Mr. and Mrs. E. McGrath, whose daughter Valerto ...

    Article : 168 words

    A tired Legislative Assembly, which had been silting nine hours a day, gasped this afternoon when Dr. Vandermerwe entered wearing a ...

    Article : 75 words

    Mrs. A. Ward with her basket of flowers which gained a champion award at the Southport Show to-day. Pale blue and yellow predominated in the colour scheme, as delphiniums and daffodils were among the flowers used. ... [ILLUSTRATED]

    Article : 48 words
  17. Salvation Army Three Days' Fete

    The indisposition of Lady Blair prevented her from opening the annual fete at the Salvation Army Temple, Ann Street, this afternoon, over which Brigadier R. Rignold, ...

    Article : 229 words
  18. Modern Mowing Machines for City Council

    The City Council on Tuesday will be asked by the Stores Board and the Parks Committee to purchase eight tractor mowers at a cost of £120 each, less 5 ...

    Article : 115 words
  19. Five Pastoral Properties Sold

    Five pastoral properties in various parts of the State have been sold during the past week or two. The most important was Cluny cattle station. This ...

    Article : 221 words
  20. Record Crowds at Melbourne Show

    Melbourne Royal Show is breaking more records again to-day in record weather. From early morning the Flemington Road was thick with ...

    Article : 157 words
  21. Another Move to Defeat Iron Embargo

    An attempt to defeat tire Federal Governments embargo on the export of iron ore will be made by Mr. H. Gregory (W.A.) when the House of ...

    Article : 95 words

    So long as he is in office, Launceston's Mayor (Alderman A. E. Wyett) says, he will not receive a deputation seeking the abolition of the ban on Sunday tennis ...

    Article : 149 words
  23. Lantana Areas May Be Good for Cattle Fattening

    "If the lantana on the Atherton Tableland could be destroyed and the reclaimed land laid down with artificial grasses it should open up an area of ...

    Article : 158 words
  24. Fete at Clayfield For Toombul Sub-Branch Of R.S.S.I.L.A.

    Pennants and flans decorated the grounds at the Clayfield Memorial School of Arts this afternoon, when the Toombul sub- branch of the R.S.S.I.L.A. held a spring ...

    Article : 330 words
  25. Mickey Miller Weighs 8.5½

    Mickey Miller and Roy Underwood were officially weighed at the Stadium at lunch time for their bantam championship contest to-night. Miller, the title-holder, scaled ...

    Article : 118 words
  26. £13,000 WILL

    Probate was granted at the Supreme Court in the will of Susan Isabella Chauvel, wife of James Allan Chauvelgrazier, of El Arish, Stanthorpe: gross ...

    Article : 33 words
  27. "Good Support for Air Service to Daly Waters" Says Mr. Hudson Fysh

    Satisfactory support was being received by the inland air service from Brisbane to Daly Waters stated the managing director of Qantas Empire Airways (Mr. ...

    Article : 141 words
  28. Tunnel Scheme to Eliminate Level Crossings Not New

    The suggestion made by Alderman W. R. Crampton for a tunnel at South Brisbane to eliminate the level crossings at Woolloongabba and Ipswich ...

    Article : 229 words

    Mrs. Noel Witham and Pleasure were competitors in the ring at the Southport Show to-day. ... [ILLUSTRATED]

    Article : 19 words
  30. More Proffers of Indian Help

    Eight more Indian rulers, including the Maharajas of Travancore, Udaipur and Alwar, have offered their services to the King-Emperor in the event of ...

    Article : 41 words
  31. Federal Subsidy For Wool Publicity Urged

    The United Graziers' Association of Queensland is to be asked to approch the Federal Government with a view to subsidising wool publicity in Australia ...

    Article : 152 words
  32. 15,655 Members in Bands of Hope

    "Figures in the report convey only a faint impression of the importance and value of the work being accomplished by Bands of Hope throughout the State. ...

    Article : 233 words

    Mr. H. G. Gooding driving Teddy Derby, who was adjudged the best trotting stallion at the Southport show to-day. Teddy Derby put up a good performance at this year's Royal National Show. ... [ILLUSTRATED]

    Article : 38 words
  34. Non-intervention Official's Proposed Visit to Spain

    Lord Plymouth, chairman of the Non-Intervention Committee, to-day received the Portuguese Ambassador and the German and Italian Charges d'Affaires. ...

    Article : 120 words
  35. Britishers Arrive by Plane From Prague

    The plane Hercules landed at Croydon at 11 p.m., the passengers including women and Mr. Stop-ford, a member of the Runciman ...

    Article : 62 words

    Reports on the European situation and falls in the London and New York markets had an unsetting influence on the Stock Exchange market to-day. Prices ...

    Article : 67 words



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