The SPEAKER took the chair at half-past 4 o'clock. ESCORT RETURNS. The SPEAKER laid on the table the gold ...
Article : 8,006 wordsThe adjourned annual meeting of the subscribers of the Benevolent Asylum was held yesterday in the Mechanics' Institute, the Hon. John Hodgson in the chair. ...
Article : 2,577 wordsAn adjourned certificate meeting, Mr. Courtney, Official Assignee, Sir George Stephen, instructed by Mr. Macoboy, appeared for the insolvent, Mr. ...
Article : 338 wordsThe following report of the Surveyor-General on the proposed geodetic system or survey for 1859 was laid on the table of the Assembly last night:— ...
Article : 1,931 wordsTho following persons were fined for drunkenness:—John Ferguson, Martha Hissen, James Doyle, John Thomas, and William Campbell. ...
Article : 1,116 wordsSir,—I look upon controversy as most contemptible when it is exclusively worked for personal victory or selfish notoriety; but when the aim is practical usefulness, surely ...
Article : 1,263 words{No abstract available}
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The Argus (Melbourne, Vic. : 1848 - 1957), Sat 5 Feb 1859, Page 5
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