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  2. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 14 words
  3. Family Notices

    {No abstract available}

    Family Notices : 8,399 words
  4. Letters to the Editor

    Under the heading, Conditions of Migrants, the State secretary of the Australian Workers'. Union repeats his ...

    Article : 401 words
  5. Big Changes Forecast in Telephony

    PERTH, Monday.--In the next 10 or 15 years revolutionary changes will occur in the telephone Industry. ...

    Article : 211 words
  6. The Thatch is Not Outmoded

    THE THATCHED ROOF is still beloved by many people in Britain. Photograph shows a farm house at Humberstone. Li ncolnshire, after re-thatching by two of the youngest craftsmen in the country--Peter and Bert Morley. An expertly made thatch, such as this one, is good for hundreds of years. ... [ILLUSTRATED]

    Article : 55 words

    Referring to the letter by P. W. Tewksbury (1711), It is a pleasure to give amusement even on such a subject ...

    Article : 644 words

    PEOPLE note with dismay that the costs of essential commodities continue to mount. Beef is up sharply this week; lamb and mutton prices have advanced; increases are being sought for butter and eggs; ...

    Article : 655 words
  9. Hamilton--Gapital of "Australia Felix"

    Today Hamilton, hilly, green town' of the undulating far Western District, will be declared a city by the Governor (Sir Dallas Brooks). IT HAS TAKEN 112 ...

    Article : 1,251 words

    The Duke and Duchess of Gloucester entertained the Queensland Premier (Mr. Hanlon) at luncheon at St. James ...

    Article : 150 words

    Exhibitions opening in the city today include a, display by members of the Royal; Art .Society of N.S.W., scenes of the interior by Rex Battarbee, and the ...

    Article : 632 words

    THE temporary illness of the Leader of the Opposition (Mr. Menzies), about which his political opponents, humanely and in sporting spirit, offer their sympathy, serves to illustrate the remorseless ...

    Article : 361 words
  13. Litt.D. Degree for Printer

    The degree of Doctor of Letters has been awarded to Mr. George Anderson, honorary lecturer in industrial relations ...

    Article : 171 words
  14. 1000 Attend Congress of Accounting

    SYDNEY, Monday. -- Mora than 1000 accountants from the United Kingdom, New Zealand and all Australian States are ...

    Article : 238 words
  15. £20,061 Estate

    Herbert Edward Guy, late of Mt. Dandenong-road, Montrose, tariff commissioner, who died on October 21 last, left ...

    Article : 37 words
  16. News of the Day

    Melbourne was paid a compliment yesterday. It came from Mr. W. E. Stanton-Hope, who arrived by ... [ILLUSTRATED]

    Article : 714 words
  17. Little Known of Australia Abroad

    "It is surprising how little people overseas know about Australia." This comment was made yesterday by Miss S. ...

    Article : 141 words
  18. U.K. Rooms for State Schools

    State Cabinet decided last night to order 100 pre-cut aluminium classrooms from England. They will be delivered ...

    Article : 104 words
  19. Praise for New Teachers

    Sixty young English ex-servicemen who came to Victoria recently to become trainee teachers are proving very ...

    Article : 139 words
  20. £5000 Gift to Hospital

    SYDNEY, Monday.--Mr. E. J Hallstrom, well-known philanthropist, today presented Sydney Hospital with a cheque for ...

    Article : 75 words
  21. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 40 words
  22. Transfer of Mental Cases

    The first mental patients will be transferred to Larundel Mental Hospital, Bundoora, today, when 30 of them will be admitted. ...

    Article : 52 words
  23. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 74 words



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