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  2. Rescue Home.

    The Salvation Army reports for week ending June 28: No one admitted; three gone to situations; 19 remaining. There are several good servants awaiting country engagements. ...

    Article : 29 words

    The Bank of England weekly returns issued to-day show the proportion of reserves to liabilities to be unchanged since last week at 44 per cent. The total amount of reserves in notes ...

    Article : 74 words
  4. Municipal Improvements.

    Some rather important contracts for works have recently been entered into by the South Brisbane Municipal Council, and when they are completed the benefits to the ratepayers ...

    Article : 1,250 words
  5. Do Not Eat Hastily.

    It is a mistake to eat quickly. Mastication performed in baste must be important, even with the best of tooth, and due admixture of the salivary seoretion with the food cannot take ...

    Article : 385 words

    The Rev. Handley C. G. Moule, of Ridley Hall, Cambridge, whose name was among those submitted to the Synod of the Anglican Church of New South Wales for the election ...

    Article : 58 words
  7. Alfred Shaw and Co.

    It is understood some changes have recently been made in the firm of Messrs. Alfred Shaw and Co. Mr. A. Shaw, jun. has retired from the firm, and Messrs. Robert Taylor and John ...

    Article : 67 words

    A meeting of the Adelaide shareholders in the South Broken Hill Company has resolved that the office of the company be removed from Young to Melbourne, and that two Adelaide ...

    Article : 86 words

    It has been arranged that the Emperor William of Germany shall visit King Humbert at Monza, a town in the north of Italy, for a week during October next. ...

    Article : 68 words
  10. Coal at the Racecourse.

    When the seam of coal, passed through in putting down the bore at Eagle Farm, was first struck, considerable doubt existed as to whether the indications were not attributable to the ...

    Article : 193 words

    An indignation meeting of the leading financiers of London was held to-day, at which it was reselved to ask the Imperis Government to insist upon the paymert of £3,000,000 ...

    Article : 55 words

    Excellent news has been received as to the prospects of the Yuilgarn goldfields. Many experienced miners consider them equal to some of the beat fields in the other colonic. ...

    Article : 62 words

    Present rains have greatly improved the prospects of the Russian wheat crops, and all learn of the failute of the harvest have been dispelled. ...

    Article : 31 words

    News has been received of the death of Carlotti Patti, sister of Madame Adelina Patti. ...

    Article : 21 words

    The Union Steamship Company have compromised the seamen's diffculty by agcceing to employ white labour instead of coolie labour on the Bothwell Castle, on her return to New ...

    Article : 52 words

    Fine medium and greasy crossbred wools have advacced 1d. per 1b., and American buyers are purchasing freely. ...

    Article : 23 words

    Her Majesty the Queen has given her consent to the betrothal of Princess Luise, eldest daughter of the Prince of Wales, to the Earl of Fife. ...

    Article : 35 words

    The weekly returns of the Bank of England show the proportion of reserve to liabilities to be 44 per cent, or 2 per cent more than last week. The total amount of reserve in ...

    Article : 63 words

    News has been received that Wadela Jami, who is at the bead of 2,000 dervishes, who had assembled on the Upper Nile, has now arrived within 20 miles of Wady Haifa, on which ...

    Article : 43 words
  20. Parliamentary.

    In the Assembly Mr. Sydney smith informed the House that he had received later telegrams from the Under-Secretary. The first of these was despateted at 5 o'clock, and was as ...

    Article : 272 words
  21. The Fassifern Races.

    {No abstract available}

    Detailed lists, results, guides : 252 words

    The Melbourne Harbour Trust has invited tenders for a loan of £600,000, bearing intenders at the rate of 4 per cent per annum, aud the minimum for which is fixed at £101. ...

    Article : 46 words

    Australian wheat ex store is flat. The tallow market is flat. Best Australian is unaltered at 26s. to 28s. per cwt. Australian beef tallow is 1s. lower, at 26s. to 26s. 6d. ...

    Article : 103 words
  24. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 1,842 words

    {No abstract available}

    Detailed lists, results, guides : 29 words
  26. Parliamentary.

    The new Ministry was sworn in yesterday. Dr. Cockburn announced the fact in the House of Assembly. The new team were subjected to an unusual amount of criticism. No sooner had ...

    Article : 134 words

    The Chamber of Commerce and the Granville Board have decided to protest against the refund of the deposit to the Vernon Railway Company. ...

    Article : 224 words
  28. Murder of Dr. Cronin.

    Philadelphia, May 23.—The partially decomposed corpse of Dr. Cronin was found last evening in the Lakeview suburb of Chicago, and identified by his friends. The finding of ...

    Article : 344 words
  29. South Australia.

    The appointment of the seventh minister is the main subject for discussion in political circles. It is note worthy that Dr. Campbell' was not present at the Cabinet meeting held ...

    Article : 75 words
  30. A New Firm.

    It is announced in another column that Messrs. Stirrat and Blackstock have purchasea the business of Mr. F. Moffatt, produce merchant and agent, Roma street. Both ...

    Article : 120 words
  31. New Foot Bridge.

    The Railway Department has received only one tender for the construction and erection of a foot bridge at Roma street station, namely, from Messrs. J. W. Sutton and Co. ...

    Article : 32 words
  32. English Iron Market.

    Messrs. Lysaght Bros. and Co. have received a cablegram this morning announcing an imminent advance of £1 per ton in galvanised iron. The present quotation for orb brand 26 ...

    Article : 41 words

    A meeting of the neensed victuallers to-day decided to form a licensed victuallers' association of New South Wales, with local branches throughout the colony. ...

    Article : 399 words
  34. Interview with Arthur Roberts.

    With the object of ascertaining a few facts about the Field and the Adelphi Clubs, a representative obtained an interview at the Avenue Theatre with Mr. Arthur Roberts, ...

    Article : 687 words
  35. Mount Leyshon Shareholders.

    At a special general mooting of the shareholders of the Mount Leyshon United Gold Mining Company held in the Brisbane Exchange yesterday afternoon it was decided to ...

    Article : 111 words
  36. She Travelled in the "smoker."

    "Wrong ear, ma'am," was the officious warning a smart young man in a tall brown hat gave an old lady who got aboard the San Jose train at Valencia street on a recant ...

    Article : 543 words
  37. The Maori Footballers.

    The Northern Rugby Union have accepted the terms offered by come of the sporting men of Ipswich for a visit of the Maori footballers to that town, for a match on July 18 next, ...

    Article : 172 words
  38. An American Querist.

    The Chief Inspector of Stock (Mr. P. R. Gordon) has received a letter from Mr. R. C. Auld, the celebrated breeder of black polled cattle in America, stating that owing to an Act ...

    Article : 143 words

    An order has been issued by the Commissioner of Customs making it compulsory for importers, when goods are imported from another colony and have been shipped under ...

    Article : 280 words
  40. The Care of the Teeth.

    The greatest tiling to be guarded against in young persons and people in middle age as well is insidious decay, which is caused by permitting extraneous matter to locate upon ...

    Article : 273 words
  41. City Police Court.

    Before Messrs. P. Pinnook, P.M., and S. Unwin, J.P. MINOR OFFENCES.—Three persons were treated as first offenders, and discharged, and ...

    Article : 147 words



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