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  1. Please wait. Loading browse data... loading

    The B.I.S.N. Company's R.M.S. Quetta, which left Brisbane on September 7th, departed yesterday homewards. LONDON, October 5. ...

    Article : 90 words
  3. Warden for Croydon.

    Mr. P. M'ARTHUR, P.M. at Burketown, has been appointed warden for the Croydon gold-fields. His salary will probably be £400 per year. Mr. M'Arthur's successor at Burketown ...

    Article : 35 words
  4. The New South Wales Parliament.

    In the Legislative Council the second reading of the Land Tax Bill was moved, and after a long debate an amendment, "That the bill be read that day six months," was carried on ...

    Article : 322 words
  5. Shipping Intelligence.

    Alexandra, s., leaves to-day for Normanton, via parts, with the mails per R.M.S. Almora. Almora, B.I.S.N. Company's R.M.S., for London, left Keppel Bay at 8 this morning. ...

    Article : 1,265 words
  6. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 345 words
  7. The Tenterfield Opening.

    WE are led to understand that Sir S. W. Griffith will not be able to attend the demonstration at Tenterfield on the 19th instant in celebration of the opening of the New South ...

    Article : 42 words
  8. Mail Services.

    THE Post and Telegraph Department on Monday last opened 450 tenders for 120 different mail services throughout the colony. These embrace services extending from one to ...

    Article : 47 words
  9. Latest Telegrams.

    The eight hours demonstration banquet was held in the Carrington Hall last night. There was a large attendance. it is reported that nine more cases of alleged ...

    Article : 661 words
  10. A Boardsman Appointed.

    THE Government have reappointed Mr. W. H. Ayscough as a member of the Taroom Divisional Board, No. 2 subdivision. Mr. Ayscough had resigned his seat on the board, and as no ...

    Article : 55 words
  11. Mineralogical Lecturer.

    THE Government have appointed Mr. Brian Hooker, associate School of Mines, as a mineralogical lecturer in this colony at a salary of £400 per annum and £200 per annum for ...

    Article : 55 words
  12. The Fly River Disaster.

    THE following telegram has been received by the Colonial Secretary from Mr. H. Milman, acting Government Resident, under date Thursday Island, the 1st instant: "Returned ...

    Article : 63 words
  13. Extraordinary Scenes.

    In the Assembly the Premier attempted to proceed with the supplementary estimates, but to this course the Opposition objected, and urged the Premier to adjourn in order to allow ...

    Article : 255 words
  14. Darrell's Benefit.

    THIS evening Mr. George Darrell takes a benefit at the Theatre Royal, and also brings his season to a close. The programme consists of "Still waters run deep" and "The ...

    Article : 70 words
  15. Excise Prosecutions.

    AT the Cairns Police Court on Wednesday, a slygog seller was proceeded against by the Excise Department for slygrog selling, and was fined £25 and full costs. The liquor seized was ...

    Article : 73 words
  16. Runaway Horses.

    A PAIR of horses belonging to the Tramway Company, bolted from the North Quay yesterday morning whilst being harnessed to a car. They galloped across Queen street towards the ...

    Article : 74 words
  17. The Stockowners' Conference.

    AT the meeting of the Stockowners' Conference to-day, the motion of the Hon. H. C. Wood, M.L.C., of Queensland, with reference to the removal of the prohibition on cattle and ...

    Article : 47 words
  18. The Weather.

    No rainfall is reported in the colony during the past 24 hours ending 9 o'clock this morning. At Brisbane yesterday the register indicated at its highest in the sun 109 degrees, and in the ...

    Article : 79 words
  19. Employers' Liability Bill.

    A GOOD deal can be said in favour of omitting seamen and domestic servants from the provisions of the Employers' Liability Bill. Both these are very old classes of servants. The ...

    Article : 271 words
  20. Removing Placards.

    A CORRESPONDENT writes under date yesterday: "This morning as I was passing over Victoria Bridge, I saw such a large number of posters displayed thereon, announcing a land ...

    Article : 96 words
  21. Later News from Kimberley.

    NEWS from Wyndham, dated the 30th September, states that the steamer Tannadice arrived on the 18th, and the Hero on the 21st. Two hundred and fifty passengers left per the ...

    Article : 128 words
  22. More and Better Gaols.

    MORE and better gaols were amongst the demands made on the Government last night as the Estimates were going through. They were made for two ...

    Article : 998 words
  23. Literary and Debating Class.

    THE above class met last evening in the Freethought Hall, Eagle Street. There was a good attendance of members and visitors. Mr. J. S. Colling, sen., presided. The subject for ...

    Article : 115 words
  24. The Police Force.

    As showing the desire exhibited by the unemployed to evade hard work, it is interesting to learn that last week no fewer than 75 men in Brisbane applied to the Commissioner of ...

    Article : 41 words
  25. The Sovereign of the Seas Tragedy.

    THE suspected man in custody at Boat Harbour on a charge of having murdered Robert Taylor at the Great Barrier Reof Island has admitted that his name is Caffrey, and he ...

    Article : 542 words
  26. The Railway Policy.

    ON Tuesday afternoon the Hon. W. Miles made the expected Ministerial statement with regard to the railway proposals for this session. It was bold ...

    Article : 993 words

    General Kaulbars has been adversely received throughout the Bulgarian provinces. He has been ordered by the Bulgarian commandant at Rustchuk to release the political prisoners ...

    Article : 52 words
  28. The Labour Question.

    THE Immigration Office is still besieged by applicants for work, but only in one or two cases have the men accepted the terms offered. In several instances they have been offered ...

    Article : 49 words
  29. Queensland Scottish Rifles.

    LAST night about 80 non-Commissioned officers and men mustered at the drillshed and went through a good useful course of battalion drill, under command of Major Stevenson, with ...

    Article : 161 words
  30. A Collision.

    YESTERDAY morning a collision occurred between two springearts, driven by William Williams, of Logan street, and Simon Helton, of Heal street, New Farm. The carts smashed ...

    Article : 63 words

    Dr. Pearson, Bishop of Newcastle, New South Wales, has accepted the position of Vicar of Blackburn, which has attached to it that of coadjutor to the Bishop of Manchester. ...

    Article : 35 words

    Sir Thomas Brassey, the well-known litterateur and politician, intends visiting Australia. ...

    Article : 19 words
  33. Municipal Jubilee.

    HIS Worship the Mayor and Mrs. Hipwood, and Alderman South all and Mr. W. H. G. Marshall (town clerk) leave by train to-morrow morning for Sydney to attend the municipal ...

    Article : 69 words

    George French Angus is dead. ...

    Article : 9 words

    Beetroot sugar, new crop, 11s. ...

    Article : 9 words
  36. Insolvency Business.

    THE following were adjudicated insolvent yesterday morning before Mr. Justice Mein: Robert Anthony, of Toowoomba, storekeeper; Richard Stephens, of Brisbane, baker; and ...

    Article : 276 words
  37. Per Reuter's Agency.

    The proposal for the establishment of an Imperial Institute as a memorial of her Majesty's jubilee year, is being warmly supported by the Press and public throughout ...

    Article : 61 words
  38. Death Sentence Commuted.

    THE Executive this morning considered the case of the unfortunate Seaman John Riley, now lying at Reckhampton, under Sentence of death for the murder of James Spark, the first mate ...

    Article : 71 words
  39. Egg Incubators.

    MR. H. Osborns, poulterer, of Roma street Market, has just succeeded in "hatching" a number of young ducks by means of a "Hearson's Patent Incubator." About a month ago ...

    Article : 163 words

    The British Government is favourable to the idea of an International conference to settle the status of the Balkan provinces. ...

    Article : 26 words

    Surprise has bees expressed at the smallness of the amount which the Australian colonies propose to give towards the establishment of a Colonial and Indian Jubilee Institute. ...

    Article : 34 words
  42. No title

    AT a meeting of the committee of the Girl's Friendly Society, held on Monday afternoon, it was notified that as a result of the ball held in the Protestant Hall on Friday, the 24th ...

    Article : 91 words
  43. HANLAN v. ROSS.

    A sculling match has been arranged between Hanlan and Ross, to be rowed on the Thames, for £500 a side. ...

    Article : 25 words

    Tenders are invited for a New Zealand Government loan of £1,500,000, bearing interest at the rate of 4 per centum per annum. Tenders will be opened on the 14th instant. ...

    Article : 38 words



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