Let Hercules himself do what ho may, The cat will mew and the dog will have his day. "They'll be quite half an hour, so I'll take things quietly," she mused. ...
Article : 4,366 wordsThe following interesting and thoughtful paper was read by the Rev. E. H. Scott at the last meeting of the Bendigo Ministers’ Association:— ...
Article : 2,795 wordsThe circus folk not only have a slang of their own, but as they are masters in the general slang of the day they talk a jargon which would he simply ...
Article : 667 wordsA dinner parly at the Czars must indeed have been a sight not conceivable out of Bedlam, and could only have been planned in the maddest brain on earth, if a M.S. ...
Article : 601 wordsThe total revenue from the liquor in Victoria, for the twelve months ending June 30, 1897, was £652,975 Is. 2d. Mr. Merson's Drink Bill lettor shows how much the liquor traffic charged for collecting ...
Article : 780 wordsYou have probably never seen a volcano in eruption. It is a magnificent spectacle. Where do all those torrents of red-hot lava come from? Nobody [?] tell, except that they come from somewhere ...
Article : 995 wordsKen Lewis is truly one of Australia's phenomenal riders in professional ranks. He is the winner of the half-mile championship of N.S.W.: one mile blue ribbon ...
Article : 380 words{No abstract available}
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The Bendigo Independent (Vic. : 1891 - 1918), Sat 14 Aug 1897, Page 1
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