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    "Who said the wire was over the top? " said Frank, sharply, convinced that the manager could solve the mystery did he choose. ...

    Article : 5,109 words
  3. Misccllancous.

    HIGHLAND SOLDIERS.—The landing of the Seaforth Highlanlers at Crcte a few weeks ago seems to have caused something of a sensation among the islanders. The natives ...

    Article : 1,221 words
  4. Angling For Jewish Heiresses.

    If there is one idea which has taken firm hold of the popular mind, it is that in the struggle for the good things of this world—or at any rate,of this city—the ...

    Article : 324 words

    Even on ordinary occasions there is no better method of seeing London than to obtain a map and travel by outside seats along the principal ’bus routes. At the ...

    Article : 1,043 words
  6. Selected Temperance Notes.

    One small whisky glass, roughly carved on a small headstone, would often tell more truth than three volumes of biography. ...

    Article : 662 words
  7. Wit and Humor.

    “ When I was first married I thought my wife was the only woman on earth." “ How do you feel about it now?” “Well, there's our cook. ” ...

    Article : 917 words
  8. The Language of Telegraphy.

    An elaborate study of what the author calls “ the telegraphic language” has just been published in the Psychological Review by Hr. Harter, of Indiana University. The ...

    Article : 533 words
  9. Floor-scrubbing Machine.

    Machines for the saving of household labor are many, and are likely to Increase now that olectricity for motive power can he brought to our doors (observes a London ...

    Article : 189 words
  10. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 34 words



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