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  2. Country Notes.

    An accident which has, unfortunately, resulted fatally, occurred near Gowrie Crossing, on the Toowoomba and Dalby line early on Thursday morning last. It appears that the ...

    Article : 222 words
  3. British Museum Lectures.

    IN the fourth of his lectures on the History and Antiquities of Assyria and Babylon, the subject being "The City of Sippara—the Chaldean Helipolls," Mr. W. St. Chad ...

    Article : 1,362 words
  4. The Duchess of Edinburgh.

    Two striking figurs stand out from the group of princesses at the English court; one important from her acquired state and extraordinary elevation as wite to the heir apparent, ...

    Article : 1,539 words
  5. Eight Years' Captivity with the Apaches.

    THERE arrived on the Southern overland train one day last week a short, fair-heired woman, of perhaps 35 years Her features were wrinkled and careworn, though, and gave ...

    Article : 1,658 words
  6. Australian Inventions.

    ON 24 New South Wales patents granted for inventions during the past month the following were they purely Australian or colonial inventors, and the subject matter of those ...

    Article : 1,075 words
  7. Woolloongabba Accident Case.

    TO THE EDITOR.—SIR,—In your issue of the 11th instant you publish the copy of a letter received by the chairman of the chairman of the Woollongabba Board and which, though read. was not ...

    Article : 1,273 words
  8. Bald Hills.

    During the past week rain has fallen steadily, and has done the farmers and stockowners a great deal of good, but our navvios have lost a deal of time, I am sorry to-day. We can hear ...

    Article : 539 words
  9. Roma.

    Our readers (says the Free Press) will remember that about the middle of last month we gave particulars of the wilful and malicious burning down of nine telegraph posts near St. ...

    Article : 127 words
  10. Stanthorpe.

    We (Border Post) learn from various sources that the rainfall at Inglewood has bean heavier than he been knows for many years, no less thant 8 inches having fallen. The ...

    Article : 56 words
  11. Maryborough.

    A man was discovered by Mr. Murphy, Crown lands ranger, hopelessly bushed under very peculiar circumstances. He had started from Maryborough with his swag, intending a ...

    Article : 88 words
  12. City Police Court.

    POLICE SUMMONS.—Adelaide Hornby, amaried woman, was charged with using obsence and fifthy language in her own house, and was fined £1, or 48 hours in the cells ...

    Article : 392 words
  13. Gympie.

    Another illustration of the hair-breadth escapes that fall to the miner's let was supplied by an accident which occurred at 3 and 4 North Glanmire, on the St. instant Patrick Ryan ...

    Article : 189 words
  14. Rockhampton.

    The Bulletin reports heavy rain having fallen at Rockhampton since the 5th instant, and states a resident of Westwood, whom we met on Saturday, says the rains there of late did an ...

    Article : 267 words
  15. Report of Royal Commission on Mining Accidents.

    IT thus appears that 23 per cent, of the total number of deaths are due to the explosions of fire-damp, 41 per cent. to falls of rood and sides, and 36 per cent. to miscellaneous canses. ...

    Article : 266 words
  16. Cooktown.

    The miners who are eagerly rushing to Kimberley, should exchange their notes for gold, as the storekeepers at Palmerton charge 1s exchange on Queensland notes, at Derby a paper ...

    Article : 78 words
  17. Goldwin Smith on Ireland.

    PROFESSOR GOLDWIN SMITH, writing in a Canadian paper on the ills of Ireland, says:—"Famine, mocking the devices and rivalries of politicals, stalks along the waste in coast of ...

    Article : 404 words
  18. Putting Young Horses to Work.

    A GOOD many young horses are usually drawn upon to help out with the spring work, a very good practice to adopt, provided the labour requests of them be selected with dis[?]tion and ...

    Article : 410 words
  19. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 439 words
  20. Egg Production in Nevada

    ON February 1, 1895, I commenced to keep a record of my poultry. I had then 72 hens. and the number of eggs produced by them during the year ending February, 1886, is as ...

    Article : 308 words
  21. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 205 words



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