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    {No abstract available}

    Detailed lists, results, guides : 65 words
  3. POINTS.

    ANY person who desires to revel in the beauty and glory of Nature should rise at 6 a.m. and watch the sun rise, then take half an hour's walk on such a morning as we had yesterday ...

    Article : 1,141 words
  4. Railway Commissioners

    The Railway Commissioners, accompanied by officers of the department, leave to-day upon a tour of inspection over the Southern and Western line of railway, extending over ...

    Article : 66 words

    News from Abyssinia states that Captain Bettini and the escort which he was leading have been massacred in Abyssinia while proceeding to the Italian ...

    Article : 40 words
  6. Family Notices

    {No abstract available}

    Family Notices : 64 words

    It is reported that the firm of Herman Co[?]n, formerly of New Zealand, and an exporter to the Australian colonics, has failed. The liabilities are set down at ...

    Article : 42 words

    Mr. Casker has been declared to be the winner of the international chess tournament just concluded. Mr. Gossip was last. ...

    Article : 30 words
  9. To Correspondents.

    E.G.D.—You must go by sea. Apply to the A.U.S.S. Company. W.C.H.—Apply to Messrs. Gordon and Got[?]h. ...

    Article : 22 words
  10. Grimshaw's Gathering.

    Detective Grimshaw left Brisbane per steamer Buninyong for Sydney on Friday last, and since his arrival there he has been in the thick of it, gathering in certain individuals "wanted" ...

    Article : 338 words
  11. TO-MORROW.

    {No abstract available}

    Detailed lists, results, guides : 18 words
  12. Payment of Royalties.

    Two estates, belonging to Mr. W. Pritchard Morgan, M.P. for Merthyr, and gold mine proprietor in Wales, valued at £40,000 have been seized in order to pay ...

    Article : 43 words
  13. Diary.

    {No abstract available}

    Detailed lists, results, guides : 36 words

    The friends of the Earl of Glasgow, the new Governor of New Zealand, have commissioned Professor H[?]rkomer to paint his portrait. ...

    Article : 31 words

    {No abstract available}

    Detailed lists, results, guides : 30 words

    The estate of the late Mr. C. S. Parnell has been valued at £11,700. ...

    Article : 20 words
  17. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 18 words
  18. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 203 words
  19. Disastrous Expedition.

    News has been received from the West Coast of Africa that the British expedition to Timbo has been repulsed by the natives. The report states that Captain ...

    Article : 51 words

    At a meeting of the shareholders of the Union Mining Company, yesterday, the balance-sheet and report were not adopted. The meeting was adjourned for two months to ...

    Article : 244 words
  21. Subsidies for Exports.

    BEFORE the meeting of Parliament it will be thoughtful, to use no stronger language, thoroughly to consider the subject of imposing a tax on all stockowners ...

    Article : 1,215 words
  22. Municipal Disqualification.

    AT a recent meeting of the Coorparoo Shire Council one of the newly elected councillors put forward a claim that henceforth, as heretofore, he should have ...

    Article : 515 words
  23. Miners' Strike.

    From Durham it is reported that the coal miners' strike against a proposed reduction of wages has considerably extended, but that so far everything is ...

    Article : 67 words
  24. Supreme Court.

    The Civil Sittings of the Supreme Court was continued this morning before his honour Mr. Justice Harding. JUROR FINED. ...

    Article : 738 words
  25. Portuguese Finances.

    The Portuguese Government have announced their intention of dealing vigorously with the finances of the country. They propose to at once reduce the ...

    Article : 86 words

    The weather has cleared up and the floods in many parts of the country are going down. The body of Stone, the murderer, who shot his rival dead, was found by his father, ...

    Article : 208 words
  27. Guelph Funds.

    The Globe this morning published a statement which had been received from a reliable diplomatic source to the effect that it was the Czar of Russia who had ...

    Article : 96 words
  28. Monetary and Mining.

    The usual monthly dividend (No. 6) in the Biggenden Mining Company, of 3d. per share, has been declared. It will be payable on Wednesday next, March 23. ...

    Article : 36 words
  29. Ti Ta Oil Company.

    An application was made in Chambers yesterday. before the Chief Justice, by the official liquidator of the Australian Banking Company, for the appointment of an official liquidator for ...

    Article : 67 words
  30. Eidsvold Gold.

    {No abstract available}

    Detailed lists, results, guides : 520 words
  31. Prussian Education Bill.

    Count Caprivi, the German Chancellor and Premier and Minister of Foreign Affairs of Prussia, is trying to settle the difficulty which has arisen in the ...

    Article : 111 words
  32. Labour Bureau.

    At the Government Labour Bureau yesterday 12 men applied for employment, and 17 were sent to work. ...

    Article : 19 words
  33. Beetroot Sugar.

    It would be a mistake, that might be fatal to all our hopes, when the sugar industry has been for[?]d by the extension of Polynesian immigration, if we ...

    Article : 362 words
  34. Maytown Gold Escort.

    The Under Secretary for Mines has been advised that the gold escort left Maytown yesterday for Cooktown with 383 ozs. of gold, including gold from Limestone. ...

    Article : 31 words
  35. Latest Liquidation.

    A petition has been filed for the liquidation of the estate of Henry Green, of Wallal, near Charlevill[?], licensed victualler, storekeeper, and selector; liabilities, £3,813. A meeting of ...

    Article : 49 words
  36. Russian Affairs.

    News from St. Petersburg states that the revenue derived from direct taxation in Russia during 1891 fell short of the estimate by £4.500,000, owing ...

    Article : 115 words
  37. Pastoral Removal.

    The Rev. Sidney J. Baker, of Bowen Fulls and Kent street Congregational Churches, Brisbane has accepted a unanimous call to undertake the pastorate of Trinity ...

    Article : 49 words
  38. East Brisbane Elocution.

    The usual weekly meeting of the East Brisbane Elocution and Dramatic Society took place last evening, the Rev. E. Brown being in the chair. After the transaction of the usual ...

    Article : 91 words
  39. In the Lodgeroom.

    [Reports of lodge meetings should reach this office before 9 a.m. on the day following the ...

    Article : 22 words
  40. Rechabites.

    JUVENILE GENERAL GORDON TENT, I.O.R.— Held in the Fiveways Hall, Woolloongabba, March 21.Tent opened in due time by C.R. Bro. Layte. Minutes of the previous meeting ...

    Article : 59 words
  41. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 132 words
  42. Miscellaneous Cables.

    News from Berlin states that several important arrests and seizures have been made in connection with the anarchist agitation now proceeding in Prussia. ...

    Article : 36 words
  43. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 98 words
  44. Manchester Unity Oddfellows.

    LOYAL PROGRESSIVE LODGE.—The usual fortnightly meeting of the Loyal Progressive Lodge was held on Monday night, in the lodgeroom, Protestant Hall, Ann street. There was ...

    Article : 103 words
  45. Two, Only Two.

    At the City Police Court, this morning, before Mr.P. Pinnock, P.M., Patrick Tierney, aged 25, and Edward Leonard, aged 37, both Irishmen for being drunk and disorderly, were ...

    Article : 42 words

    It is rumoured that a number of irate workmen wilfully caused the explosion at the colliery at Underlue[?], in Belgium, which has resulted in the burning out of ...

    Article : 41 words
  47. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 56 words
  48. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 10 words



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