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    April 14.-- NAUTILUS, iron barque, 745 tons, from the Solomon Islands, with [?] boys for the Colonial Sugar Rellning Company. Parbury Lamb, and Co., agents. ...

    Article : 1,320 words
  3. Queenscliff Gun Accident.

    All that most people know about the recent fatal gun accident at Queenscliff (says the Melbourne Age of the 9th instant) is the horrible fact that upon the loading of a 6-inch ...

    Article : 1,347 words
  4. Open Column.

    This column is open for a fairly tree expression of opinion on subjects of Interest but we do not bind ourselves by any sentiments which our contributors may express. ...

    Article : 32 words
  5. The Weather.

    {No abstract available}

    Detailed lists, results, guides : 183 words
  6. Assam Massacre. Details of the Disaster.

    The latest news respecting 'he Assam massacre states that Lieutensut Grant was compelled to attempt a retreat in consequence of the failure of his ammunition. The details of ...

    Article : 740 words

    The Mayor will entertain Sir George Grey, Mr. John Forrest, and other guests at the farewell tanquet to the Elder exploring party to-day. Speeches will be delivered by some of the ...

    Article : 126 words
  8. Sir Samuel Griffith as a Witness.

    TO THE EDITOR.-- Sir,-- Many of the admirers of Sir Samuel Griffith hoped that he, as the Premier of a colony deeply in debt, would be constrained by the pressure of events, and by ...

    Article : 2,228 words

    The Earl of Onslow has declined the grand-mastership of the Masonic Grand Lodge of New Zealand owing to existing divisions therein. The Minister for Defence is introducing a ...

    Article : 92 words
  10. Rainfall.

    {No abstract available}

    Detailed lists, results, guides : 11 words
  11. Sandgate Football Club.

    The fifth annual meeting of the Sandgate Football Club was held at the School of Arts, Sandgate, on Friday evening, and was the most successful meeting yet held by the club. In ...

    Article : 295 words
  12. Queensland Delegates.

    In addition to those already named as hiving left Sydney, the Hon A Rutledge returned in the Luinda, with the Premier, on Sunday. The Hon. A. J. Thynne returned overland a ...

    Article : 45 words
  13. Kangaroo Hills Claims

    A satisfactory arrangement has been come to in regard to the Kangaroo Hill claims. Mr. Ewan has withdrawn his coal licenses in favour of the four applicants for separate leases of 80 ...

    Article : 128 words
  14. Temperance.

    This society held its fortnightly meeting on Monday. After hospital Bowing had been given out, the superintendent of tract distribution read her report, which showed that books. ...

    Article : 66 words
  15. Burkitt Building Society.

    The weekly meeting of the directors of the first Queensland Burkitt Building Society, was held last evening at the Colonial Mutual Buildings, when his Worship the Mayor (Mr. ...

    Article : 176 words
  16. Dogs in the Police Court.

    There is always a pood attendance of listeners at the City Police Court, and not infrequently some of these persons bring their inseparable companions, their dogs, with them. Latterly ...

    Article : 423 words
  17. Woolloongabba W.C.T.U.

    The usual meeting of the Woolloongabba W.C.T.U. was held on April 10, the attendance being small. After introductory exercises, the president proposed that a series of monthly ...

    Article : 144 words
  18. Freedom of Contract.

    At a meeting of delegates of the Associated Chambers of Commerce in England, the Marquis of Salisbury, who was one of the speakers, said: These fights between labour and capital ...

    Article : 626 words
  19. Exhibition Building.

    A special meeting of the council of the Queensland National Association was held at the association's rooms, Elizabeth street, yesterday afternoon, when there were present: ...

    Article : 231 words
  20. Suicide of a Gaoler.

    The Wagga correspondent of the Melbourne Argus of the 9th instant says:-- Early this morning Mr. Samuel Adair, for nearly two years geoler in charge of the Wagga ...

    Article : 334 words
  21. Prevention of Cruelty.

    A meeting of the committee of the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals and Children was held at the office of the society in the Town Hall, yesterday, at 4 p m., when seven ...

    Article : 495 words
  22. Accidents at Gympie.

    The 1 North Phoenix company's mine was (says the Olympie Miner of April 13) the scele of two accidents on Sunday morning, one of which, we are sorry to state, resulted ...

    Article : 503 words
  23. Mr. Macrossan's Death.

    The Chief Secretary has received a telegram from Lord Kintore, Governor of South Australia, who is now at Port Darwin, stating that he was greatly shocked at hearing of the death ...

    Article : 173 words
  24. Facts about the "Week."

    It gives mere pages of news for threepence than any other newspaper in Queensland. It is the people's paper, being Liberal from cover to cover. ...

    Article : 230 words
  25. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 218 words
  26. Not Quite.

    As he entered the car at East Buffalo he saw it a glance there was one seat with a young lady in it, and he marched straight down the aisle, deposited his grip and ov[?], sat ...

    Article : 169 words
  27. Jotting.

    {No abstract available}

    Detailed lists, results, guides : 184 words
  28. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 19 words



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