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  2. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 5,011 words
  3. Ballarat Locomotives.

    The tender of the Phoenix-:Foundry Company, Ballarat, at £34,335, was yesterday accepted by the Railway Department for the supply of ton first-class express locomotives. ...

    Article : 304 words
  4. Accidents at the Race Course.

    Unfortunately, on the concluding day of the Bendigo Winter meeting there were several accidents. Shortly before the first race Mr. F. H. Crook's jockey, Alex. Anderson, ...

    Article : 271 words

    Queen Victoria’s annual trip to and from Scotland alone costs close on £6250 a year. It is computed that the skins of 90,000 animals "were used last year in binding ...

    Article : 1,009 words
  6. Pocket-Picking at the Races

    A respectable-looking young man named George Wilson, was charged at the City Police Court yesterday with taking a purse containing £2 9s in cash and two railway ...

    Article : 329 words



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