In a certain case a groom was being crossexamined by a barrister, more famous for talent than beauty of features. Thhe [?]lever advocate was endeavouring to find out about ...
Article : 116 words"My aunt's legacy!—Well, well! was it all she had to leave me? She had always been a queer old woman, but this was one of the queerest of her whims;" and I smiled ...
Article : 2,455 wordsA dainty maid enc[?]ctured In the hue of a rainbow's glow, A dainty maid, who loved me In the ages of long ago. ...
Article : 292 words"I believe in the refining influences of art," observed Crane the other day," and I see no objection to cultivating the artistic taste of the people of this country. But of course, ...
Article : 154 wordsMr. William H. Crane, the American comedian, says that the greatest brass band that the United States ever knew was an organization in Ottumwa, Iowa, many years ago. "In ...
Article : 352 words"Die you ever think of counting the cherrystones when you were a girl to see if you were ever going to be married?" She looked ver[?] arch indeed. ...
Article : 85 wordsA clean shaven man, in a new suit of cheap black, called at the house of a well-known clerg[?]man, and, upon giving his name, was invited to take a seat in the reverend ...
Article : 278 wordsI cannot love where I'm beloved, However I may try; For oh! there's one who's dearer far, And yet I know not why. ...
Article : 266 wordsIn an[?]action at Whitechapel County Court, before Judge Bacon, arising out of the sale of some tons of potatoes which were alleged to be different from sample, an Italian [?]hef was ...
Article : 184 words{No abstract available}
Advertising : 210 wordsTell me[?] ye winged winds, T[?] r[?]nd my pathway roar, Do ve not know some spot. Where [?]als weep no more? ...
Article : 240 wordsA few stray lines—'tis but a simple note But who can tell the depth of meaning in it? Only for m[?] to [?]wer. She who wrote Knew well my answer [?]'er I did begin it. ...
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Adelaide Observer (SA : 1843 - 1904), Sat 26 Feb 1898, Page 35
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