It was through no fault of mine whatever that the mistake occurred by which I, James Underbolt, unexpectedly became my uncle's sole heir. My Uncle Bellamere was ...
Article : 2,117 wordsFeeling vaguely conseious that her cousin's communication would have to deal with the three or four personages with whom her own young life was surrounded and intimately ...
Article : 2,132 wordsMy wife answered my expectations in one way. She certainly enhanced my importance greatly; she was much sought after in society. I was proud of her—proud to see men of the ...
Article : 1,919 wordsIF the codfish in the seas realized how great a blessing they are to mankind they would not mind so much being caught, and dried, and salted. At least, this is one way of looking ...
Article : 511 words"A couple of letters for you, Mat; one for you, Naomi; one for you, also, Levi; all the rest are mine. Here you are." Mr. Aaron Shelvocke distributed the ...
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Adelaide Observer (SA : 1843 - 1904), Sat 25 Sep 1897, Page 37
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