Early in November Mr. Adolphus Vere de Verereturned to our spare rooms. We—that is I—received him with pleasure. I said to my mother, "Are you not glad to ...
Article : 2,532 wordsOn the following morning they drove to Karong- bukalla. The loveliness of the autumn world made Niarri shudder; it seemed cruel of Nature to sparkle and glitter to be full of scent ...
Article : 1,503 wordsI suppose that Mr. Wiggles felt that—not to put too fine a point on it, his nose had been put out of joint by Mr. Adolphus Vere do Vere, for after he left there appeared in him a ...
Article : 2,394 wordsNiarri kept her promise faithfully, playing her harp and singing only after Lorimer had left the house; out the weird, melancholy character of both words and music which came ...
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Adelaide Observer (SA : 1843 - 1904), Sat 6 Jun 1896, Page 37
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