Niarri had a happy afternoon, though Mrs. Kingsland minted out many small duties which had been overlooked, and though she persisted in believing that the mistakes made ...
Article : 1,667 wordsThe burglary at the Castle caused the pro. foundest excitement in the place. A bout,the only person who took the matter coolly was that fellow Wiggles, who remarked, "Serve ...
Article : 2,115 wordsNiarri started off at a brisk pace for Karong-bukalla, carrying with her tie pianoforte instructor which her husband had ordered to be sent with the piano. She felt too uneasy ...
Article : 1,272 wordsI shall never forget that week of misery and despair when my father died. He was clerk oh one of the railways, and in receipt of a modest salary of a hundred and fifty pounds. ...
Article : 2,506 words{No abstract available}
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Adelaide Observer (SA : 1843 - 1904), Sat 30 May 1896, Page 38
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