[?] the uninitiated residents in Melbourne [?]per and those whom fate or their si[?]s do condemn to traverse this favored region, state of North Melbourne accurately ...
Article : 768 wordsIn this case the plaintiff sued Mrs. Gray, as the executrix of Mr. George Pyke, to recover the sum of £70, value of a horse which Pyke was to provide, under the terms of an ...
Article : 2,880 wordsSir,—In your issue of this day you very kindly furnish your readers with a tabular view, "shewing the relative numbers of the sects accepting sites from Government, and ...
Article : 353 wordsSir,—I have two questions which, with your kind permission, I would ask of the men who are making themselves so active just now in opposition to State aid to religion. ...
Article : 569 words"Luerezin Borgia" went more buoyantly, and elicited heaitier demonstrations of applause last night than upon the occasion of [?]ts first performance on Tuesday evening. ...
Article : 1,126 wordsSir,—A late writer on the subject of State aid to religion asserts, that those who ore in favor of it are not willing to discuss the subject, and that pamphlets published, public meetings ...
Article : 1,752 wordsSir,—The people of Maryborough have petitioned the Government to cause the township to be put up for sale; but you will be doing a service both to the Government and to the ...
Article : 128 wordsSir,—As in the present agitation of the question of State Aid to religion, from what I read on the subject in the columns of the Argus, there appears to me to be a want of due ...
Article : 1,116 wordsSir,—As I see that Mr. Pridliam again brings my name before the public in a letter which appeared in the Argus a few days back, in which he professes to roply to Mr. Lloyd ...
Article : 116 wordsSir,—As you were so kind as to take the initiative in giving publicity to Mr. Nahum Salamon's reply to the paragraph headed as above, I premise that you also will be good ...
Article : 192 wordsTHE GoVERNORSHIP OF VICTORIA. —We have heard from a source which is likely to be well informed, that the offer made to the Marquis of Chandos was refused by that ...
Article : 2,344 wordsMessrs. SYMONS and PERRY, at their Commercial Sales Room, Bourke-street-Gas meters, slate cisterns, stoves, paintings and engravings, drapery, slops, stationery, colormen's sundries. ...
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The Argus (Melbourne, Vic. : 1848 - 1957), Fri 18 Jul 1856, Page 5
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