HIGH WATER.--This Day: 1.6 a.m., 1.43 p.m., Sunday: 2.17 a.m., 2.48 p.m. ARRIVED.--May 27. Albuera, s., 2259, T. Grady, from New York via ...
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Advertising : 136 wordsTo live his life to the best purpose the modern man needs to have a strong sense of the happy mean. There is not a single act he does each day from the moment he ...
Article : 3,501 wordsThe annual meeting of the Victorian Adult Deaf and Dumb Mission was celebrated in the Australian Church, Flinders-street, on Thursday night by a tea and entertainment, which was largely ...
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Detailed lists, results, guides : 186 wordsOn page 18 of this issue will he found a summary of the views of candidates for the two Houses of the State Parliament on the leading political questions. ...
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The Age (Melbourne, Vic. : 1854 - 1954), Sat 28 May 1904, Page 10
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