Saturday, July 19—The brig Union 166 tons, Spain master, from Hobart Town 1st July, Passengers—Capt. Allen, Mr. Macdougall, Mr. Smelt, Sergeant Lorymer, three constables, and E. Boyde. Same day—The catter Petrel, 15 tons, Carroway, [?]ster, from ...
Article : 967 wordsThe votes recorded on Thursday at the central polling place were 19 for Mr. Ellis and 10 for Mr. Smith. As yet we have no news of the nomination at Port Lincoln. ...
Article : 31 wordsSir—In your impression of Saturday last, July 19, there is a letter from Mr. Hagen to his constituents, thanking them for their support, &c. All this is very right and proper; but Mr. Hagen has made the unwarrantable ...
Article : 249 wordsSir—My attention having been called to an advertisement in reference to the Clare election, appearing in to-day's Times, and signed by Mr. W. Younghusband, in which the following words occur:—"I think the conclusion arrived ...
Article : 274 wordsSir—The observations advanced by your correspondent (An Engineer) are calculated to mislead those unacquainted with the nature and construction of steam-engines, so far as regards the amount of resistance expected to be ...
Article : 163 words{No abstract available}
Detailed lists, results, guides : 25 wordsSir—Permit me to make, through your columns, some further enquiries having reference to the proposed supply of water to the City of Adelaide; and to put questions which I trust may clicit valuable data from some of those who ...
Article : 233 words{No abstract available}
Detailed lists, results, guides : 14 words{No abstract available}
Detailed lists, results, guides : 122 wordsWHILE we hare every disposition to give the Board of City Commissioners full credit for an earnest desire to discharge their important functions satisfactorily and beneficially, we must reassert our impatient ...
Article : 635 wordsSir—Allow me to address a few lines to you on the present state of the foothpaths in this city, and to suggest a mode adopted in America. In most of the towns in that country, the pavements are ...
Article : 6,256 words{No abstract available}
Detailed lists, results, guides : 66 words{No abstract available}
Family Notices : 116 words{No abstract available}
Advertising : 2 wordsTHE recipients and admirers of the Grant in Aid must be grateful to Mr. Hallett for a notable discovery—one calculated to remove any qualms of conscience they may have on the score of the ...
Article : 986 wordsPlease choose from the following download options:
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Adelaide Observer (SA : 1843 - 1904), Sat 26 Jul 1851, Page 4
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