The PRESIDENT took the Chair at 2 o'clock. MOTION WITHDRAWN. Mr. WATERHOUSE asked that the motion standing in his name for a month's leave of ...
Article : 1,517 words{No abstract available}
Advertising : 398 wordsThe PRESIDENT took the Chair at 2 o'clock. PETITION. Mr. WATERHOUSE presented a petition from Mr. J. B. Neales and others, praying, on behalf of ...
Article : 8,977 wordsEvents in America have taken the direction we dreaded. The fall of Fort Sumter, recorded in the latest Intelligence of the last mail, proved to he the knell for war. The North and the ...
Article : 1,475 wordsThe people of England still enjoy that great pleasure—"Looking from firm land at others tossed upon the breakers." Civil war in America, revolution in Italy, rebellion in ...
Article : 1,303 wordsThe rise and fell of parties have long ceased to be regulated in the mother-country by the jealousies of waiting-women and serving-men. But some such influences still seemed to exist ...
Article : 1,007 wordsThe SPEAKER took the chair at 25 minutes to 2 o'clock. STANDING ORDERS. The SPEAKER laid upon the table a report of ...
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Adelaide Observer (SA : 1843 - 1904), Sat 13 Jul 1861, Page 6
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