If I knew a man who for Derby would vote, D'ye think I would ask him to turn his coat? O no! My friend, I would simply say, Do you know whom you are supporting, pray? ...
Article : 2,230 wordsMr. Model discourses with A. Pendragon Esq., on the Insolvent Court, low wages, immigration, and other matters of policy. I had not seen Mr. Model for more than a ...
Article : 1,651 wordsWe believe that the shipments bf hoists which during the last two years have been male from this colony to India, have in several instances turned out very unprofitably. It is evident, ...
Article : 812 words{No abstract available}
Advertising : 6,633 wordsWhat Briton would through terror fret, Because some braggarts boast? Our country is not conquered yet, Her glorious banner lost. ...
Article : 155 wordsO! the snow, the beautful snow, Filling the shy and the earth below; Over the housetops, over the street, Over the beads of the people you meet; ...
Article : 494 wordsLouis Nap Leou—what a game 'Tis at thy baud to play! If to achieve eternal fame, And gain an everlasting, name, ...
Article : 1,310 wordsThe experience of our agriculturists for the last two years has been somewhat discouraging, in consequence, chiefly of the unfavourable character of the seasons. The price of grain ...
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Adelaide Observer (SA : 1843 - 1904), Sat 23 Jul 1859, Page 2
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