Sir,—You will be performing an act of justice by exposing in your valuable journal the following facts:— Last night, while walking in Bourke-street, my ...
Article : 430 wordsA large and influential meeting of the inhabitants of this municipality was held on Wednesday evening last, the 16th inst., "to take into consideration the representation most beneficial to ...
Article : 456 wordsThe Solicitor-General prosecuted for the Crown. HORSESTEALING.John Sutherland, convicted on the first day of ...
Article : 703 wordsSir,—Your article headed the "Rocks of China" ought to be read by every digger. I am a digger of some three years standing on Forest Creek, and, if it please God I have ...
Article : 281 wordsRegarding the enormous find of gold quartz, as reported in Melbourne, I'have not heard any report here from Tarrengower direct, which place is part of this district, and only twelve miles ...
Article : 562 wordsDear Peter,—Your letter on land has puzzled all your old friends up here. When you left you were in a "fine frenzy," volubly rolling out all sorts of maledictions against the squatters, ...
Article : 3,024 wordsA meeting was held in the church schoolroom, in Chapel-street, Prahran, on Wednesday evening, to take into consideration matters of importance connected with the municipality of Prahran. ...
Article : 242 wordsMrs. Stowe has depicted in fearful colors the horrors of slavery; the reports of the House of Commons have furnished barrowing disclosures relative to the factory slaves of England; the ...
Article : 1,254 wordsIt would be difficult to over-estimate, even in times of the profoundest peace, the importance of the abrupt termination of a reign of thirty years by one of the most powerful Sovereigns in the ...
Article : 1,517 wordsOur Quarter Sessions commenced on Friday last, and terminated on the following Monday; and I am happy to say, so light was the calendar, that the office of Judge Forbes, at least in ...
Article : 441 wordsMr. Gatty Jones, for the defendant, applied to have this case postponed. Granted, on payment of the costs of the day. FLEMING V. BOWMAN. ...
Article : 775 wordsThe North China Herald contains the following interesting particulars as to the abandonment of Shanghae by the rebels. In any other part of the world, it would be ...
Article : 1,603 wordsI have this day paid a visit to Eureka and the Gravel Pits, and was glad to meet an old friend in Mr. Victor, the intelligent digger who was the secretary and managing man in the raffle ...
Article : 675 wordsPlease choose from the following download options:
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The Argus (Melbourne, Vic. : 1848 - 1957), Fri 18 May 1855, Page 6
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