Present, the whole council. The minutes of the previous meeting wera road and confirmed. STANDING ORDERS. ...
Article : 887 wordsWeber's magnificent opera of Der. Freischutz was produced for the first time at the Theatre Royal on Thursday evening. Expectation was on tiptoe, and making allowances for the impression of a first appearance, ...
Article : 1,216 wordsThe residuary members of the committee appointed by the Requisitionists to draw up a programme for the Great Meeting, was held yesterday afternoon at the Hall of Commerce. It was expected that a meeting of ...
Article : 1,351 wordsPOLITICAL.—We hear that a requisition, is in course of signature at Emerald Hill, inviting Mr D. Blair to address a public meeting then in order to afford the electors an opportunity of making his political ...
Article : 2,354 wordsSIR,—The very judicious and pertinent remarks on the exclusion of the Chinese, in your lust summary, are deserving of our serious consideration. Already are we reaping the fruits of our mal-legislation. Complaints of dullness in business are ...
Article : 382 wordsDEAR SIR,—Having been for a consider the time past a constant reader of the Age, I have with regret noticed the uncourteous and very disrespectful style of language in which those letters are couched. I find from conversation with many ...
Article : 836 wordsThe beautiful and romantic valley which is designated by the above most inappropriate name, is one of the most enchanting regions in the fair and lovely colony of Victoria. The name was conferred' on this locality, ...
Article : 1,483 wordsIn accordance with an invitation to those inhabitants of Brunswick, Pentridge, Phillipstown, &c.; interested in having their district proclaimed a Municipality—a very numerous and respectable mooting was held in the ...
Article : 1,450 wordsSIR,—In your report of the general trades' meeting, held in Astley'a Ampitheatre, on the 2nd inst., there is a slight error which may lead to a wrong conclusion, and which you will be kind enough to correct. ...
Article : 105 wordsAt the usual weekly meeting of the Committee of the Melbourne Chamber of Commerce, held at the Hall of Commerce, J. M'Culloch, Esq., M.L.C., in the chair. Present: Messrs. R. Kent, M. P. Muir, T. J. Sumnor, ...
Article : 212 wordsSIR,—I have read with pleasure and benefit Mr Blair's exposition of the fallacy of Phrenology. His opponents, Messrs. Hamilton and Sohierare, no doubt, profound adepts in that would be science; but I would advise them when again ...
Article : 341 wordsThe following graphic account of a ramble on the shores of Waterloo Bay has obligingly been handed to us by one of the gentlemen who availed himself of Captain Sydserff's kind permission to go ashore and ...
Article : 457 wordsA public meeting of the inhabitants of Fitzroy Ward, took place, on Thursday evening, at Clarke's Hotel, Smith street, for the purpose of considering the best means of obtaining a supply of gas within the Ward. ...
Article : 677 wordsSIR,—Another move in the New Movement. So it seems the hall of Commerce is purged of the pastoral, State-aid and anti-popular gentleman, Ebden, Crulkshank, O'Brien, Phelan (who is he) and others. Now, indeed, we may expect to ...
Article : 344 words{No abstract available}
Detailed lists, results, guides : 413 wordsSIR,—I have read, with some surprise, your article headed "A Spy" ; and I think it only fair to the public and to the individual aimed at, that you should mention his name. I have heard two or three names mentioned ; but I am quite ...
Article : 146 wordsSIR,—As a subscriber to your valuable journal from hear the commencement, I would most respectfully all your attention the communications you have repeatedly received from other correspondents in reference to the letters of your London ...
Article : 681 wordsSIR,—In your advertising commas of this morning appears a letter addressed to "William Westgarth, Esq., Chairman of the Committee appointed at a meeting of Requistionists, &c., &c.," by the so-called majority of the Committee declining to ...
Article : 455 wordsCAUGHT AT LAST.—We perceive by tho Victoria papers that, at the last Criminal Assizes in Melbourne, Thomas Husband, formerly Sheriff's Officer at Geelong, and who in the capacity of agent for Bell's Life ...
Article : 109 wordsPlease choose from the following download options:
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The Age (Melbourne, Vic. : 1854 - 1954), Fri 4 Jul 1856, Page 3
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