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    BRONZED by a bright sun that has been all too rare this summer, members of the 106th Field Artillery Battery, after six days in camp at ...

    Article : 251 words

    Weather forecasts issued at 9 p.m. yesterday for the 24 hours ensuing:— Cool and cloudy at times, with some further scattered showers over the ...

    Article : 975 words

    THE number of race meetings held in Victoria had increased to such au extent in 1929, when the average was one a day, with the exception of Sunday, ...

    Article : 249 words

    Sir,—The note sounded by your correspondent, "Mulga Mick,"'who draws attention in Saturday's issue to the necessity for the abolition of party politics, ...

    Article : 428 words

    The death occurred at Hobart yesterday of Captain James Davis, aged 76 years, of 11 King Street, Sandy Bay. Captain Davis collapsed in Murray ... [ILLUSTRATED]

    Article : 728 words

    A STORY is current in Sydney that the London General Omnibus Company is contemplating making an offer to the State Government to take over ...

    Article : 270 words
  8. The Mercury.

    WHEN Sir Philip Game and his family left Tasmania after their Hobart sojourn, this English Governor of New South Wales gave his ...

    Article : 1,078 words
  9. Parking Places

    Motorists are frequently prosecuted under the Traffic Act for having parked their cars in the city for more than half an hour. This doubtless is a necessary ...

    Article : 235 words
  10. Energetic Consul-General

    Since he came to Melbourne a few years ago the Consul-General for the Argentine (Mr. Umberto Bido[?]e) has proved himself to be one of the most ...

    Article : 224 words
  11. Milk Bars

    So far as Sydney is concerned there are fashions in food and drink, and, its a corollary, in restaurants. The latest fad is the establishment of milk bars. ...

    Article : 184 words

    HOBART'S second Music Week proved an unqualified success, and we offer our congratulations not only to the organisers but also to the ...

    Article : 403 words
  13. Meter Rents

    Sir,—I am glad that someone has again taken up the question of rents of electricity meters. It is high time something was done in the matter. ...

    Article : 251 words
  14. Long-Delayed Inquiry

    This note on milk serves as a reminder that the long-delayed investigation of allegations of corruption in the milk business has been advanced a stage by ...

    Article : 95 words
  15. Morning Milk Mystery

    The trouble commenced when a hungry householder living, in close vicinity to the Sandy Bay foreshore opened his front door yesterday morning and ...

    Article : 238 words
  16. Duck Shooting and Lost Dogs

    The duck shooting season will open at midnight to-night, and by a curious coincidence the authorities at the lost dogs' home at North Melbourne have ...

    Article : 205 words
  17. The Harden Lion

    Australia has had its bunyip, its tantanoola tiger, and other more of less mythical beasts of prey, and now it has what in the course of time may become ...

    Article : 168 words
  18. The Taxpayer's Pocket

    Sir,—Wherever the harassed taxpayer looks he discovers plots against his pocket. Now the old-age pensioners, like elderly banditti, are forming ...

    Article : 161 words
  19. His First Cup

    The congratulations of all Hobart followers of yachting will go to young "Jock" Muir, who sailed his cadet dinghy to victory in the second heat of ...

    Article : 201 words

    At a largely-attended meeting of the Sydney Presbytery to-night, the controversy with regard to the teachings of Professor Angus, of St. Andrew's ...

    Article : 190 words

    The Prince of Wales flew to London from Welbeck Abbey this afternoon to attend the dinner to-night given by Dr. Julio Roca (vice-president of the ...

    Article : 476 words
  22. School Books

    Sir,—The suggestions by "Vigilant" regarding school books, in Saturday's "Mercury," are excellent. I have requests for school books from several ...

    Article : 141 words

    At a meeting of the committee of the Launceston Regatta Association on Saturday the chairman (Mr. J. S. Dean), in referring to the tragic end of Mr. ...

    Article : 146 words

    WHILE the report from our London correspondent, published in "The Mercury" yesterday, with regard to the likelihood of profitable prices ...

    Article : 326 words
  25. Utilitarian Art

    To weariness almost we hear the old proverb about necessity being the mother of invention. Yet how often is the truth of it borne out almost daily? ...

    Article : 176 words
  26. Rupert Avenue

    Sir,—A writer, in your columns on Tuesday referred to Rupert Avenue and its 120ft. of white weed. Surely this fine residential area and its residents ...

    Article : 136 words
  27. N.S.W. CABINET

    The Minister for Local Government (Alderman Jackson) has resigned from the Cabinet. Mr. Spooner is to be given full Cabinet rank, and will take ...

    Article : 125 words
  28. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 279 words

    The Chief Secretary and Minister for Mines (Mr. C. E. James) will leave Hobart this, morning by service car for Queenstown, and to-morrow will go on ...

    Article : 126 words
  30. Derwent Bridge

    Sir,—The high-level one-span bridge would be the best and cheapest in the long run at Risdon. The only thing against it is the distance from ...

    Article : 118 words
  31. Franklin Square Wireless

    It was a happy thought that inspired the seeking of permission to place a wireless set near the circle of seats in Franklin Square. It attracted a ...

    Article : 158 words

    To survey the proposed route of the air mail service between Singapore and Darwin as a link in the service from England to Australia, Flight-Lieut. ...

    Article : 99 words

    The Australian Squadron, consisting of the cruisers Canberra and Australia, and, the air craft carrier Albatoss, left Hobart yesterday morning for exercises ...

    Article : 59 words
  34. Franklin Square Wireless

    Sir,—I would like to thank the Mayor of Hobart and those responsible for the installation of the wireless set in Franklin Square during the last two days, in ...

    Article : 71 words

    "Traveller," Hobart.—The matter is being investigated, and a statement will be made by the Railway Department in due course. ...

    Article : 22 words



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