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  2. Some of the Costumes at the Motor Katinka Ball which benefited the Australian Comforts Fund

    Photos by Talma. The Katinka Motor Ball, arranged by Tarrant's Motors Ltd., (1) Miss Hart. (2) Mr. Brown, (3) Miss D. Young, (4) Miss Landgrin, (5) Mr J. Stewart, (6) McLean Group. (7) Miss J. Bull. (8) Mrs Tuson (9)Miss Tuson. (10) Miss Lenne. (11) Mr. B. Morris. (12) Miss Dane. (13) Mr. [?]ittblado (14) Mr. Dober. (15) Crowley Group. (16) Mr. R. Kenneds. (17) Mrs. McDougull. (18) Miss Smith. (19) Mr. B. Cohen. (20) Miss A. Ross. (21) Miss V. Coleman. (22) Miss Dane. (23) Yettineer Group. (24) Mr. H. Porter, (25) Mr. H. Smith. (26) Miss. Byrne. (27) Mr. W. Maloney. (28) Miss Crngg. (29) Miss B. Hart. (30) Miss O. Hooper. (31) Damyon Group, 3. (32) Miss N. Waite. (33) Mr. J. Barry, (34) Miss Abrahamson. (35) Miss H. Brown. (36) Mr. Shingler, (37) Miss Robertson. (38) Mr. W. J. [?]olell. (39) Miss Jones. (40) Miss Hennessey. (41) Miss [?] Samson. (42) Miss O'Brien. (43) Miss Hildebrand. (44) Miss Dane. (45) Miss Lenne. ... [ILLUSTRATED]

    Article : 231 words



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