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    "O, Lord, I have a busy world around me; eye, ear, and thought will be needed for all my work to be done in this busy world. Now ere I enter on it I would ... [ILLUSTRATED]

    Article : 141 words
  3. The Mission of the Church.

    There was one of the prophets, an exiled priest whose heart was very much bound up in the temple where he was precluded from officiating, and in the city ...

    Article : 263 words
  4. The Old, Old Song.

    When all the world is young, lad, And all the trees are green; And every goose a swan, lad, And every lass a queen ...

    Article : 115 words
  5. After Victory—What.

    Every man who does his work is a conqueror, and the world is full of such men. For our sakes, also, mere conquest is not enough. Ascetic Christianity may give a ...

    Article : 174 words
  6. In Class One.

    It takes all kinds of people to make a world, they say, but it is just as well to remember that there is a real danger that we become just a little overstocked ...

    Article : 215 words
  7. The Victory of Faith.

    We read in history, my friends—what schoolboy has not heard of it—of one in departed days, who fancied that he had accomplished that hard task which ...

    Article : 228 words
  8. A Visit to Mont Park.

    Those who have not seen for themselves the military hospital, rest camp, and sanatorium at No. 16, known as Mont Park, can hardly realise the extent of this immense establishment, now ...

    Article : 964 words



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