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  2. Shipping Intelligence.

    January 3.—Lady Bowen. steamer, Captain Cottier, from Gladstone and Rockhampton. Passengers—Mrs. Cheevers, Messrs. Kennedy, Cheevers, W. Andrews, J Russell, T. Nesbit, Andrews, and 16 in the steerage ...

    Article : 778 words
  3. Commission of the Peace.

    {No abstract available}

    Detailed lists, results, guides : 589 words
  4. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 148 words
  5. Family Notices

    {No abstract available}

    Family Notices : 68 words
  6. Colonial Telegrams.

    The commission of the peace for 1878 has been published. Among the new magistrates appearing on the roll are John Annear and George Howard. ...

    Article : 176 words
  7. Land Commissioner's Court.

    AT the usual monthly Land Court held on Friday last, before Mr. Commissioner Francis, the following applications to select were disposed of:— ...

    Article : 117 words
  8. Official Notifications.

    The following announcements appear in the Government Gazette of Saturday last:— APPOINTMENTS:—William John Greenaway, second officer at Bowen, to Mackay, vice E. R. ...

    Article : 143 words
  9. No title

    THE telegrams published in the Brisbane papers of Tuesday and Wednesday, and partially reproduced in our last issue, transcend, in world wide importance, any ...

    Article : 1,032 words
  10. Tiaro.

    WE have been trying to make this a gay and festive week, but the want of min seems to have damped the spirits of us "poor farmers," and we could not rise to the occasion. ...

    Article : 262 words
  11. Municipal Council.

    PRESENT:—Alderman Harrington (in the chair). Aldermen Harwood. Horsburgh, Linklater, Noakes, and Southerden, MINUTES. ...

    Article : 1,009 words
  12. (From the Courier.)

    The money market is unchanged, although the recent withdrawals of bullion for the Continent are affecting the market adversely. Copper has advanced 10s, per ton. ...

    Article : 3,778 words
  13. Cricket Match.

    {No abstract available}

    Detailed lists, results, guides : 528 words
  14. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 56 words



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