March 17—Shamrock, steam-ship, 200 tons, Gilmore, master, from Launceston. Passengers (cabin)—Mr. and Mrs. Carfrae, Captain and Mrs. Jacomb and child, Misses Dale, Clarke ...
Article : 378 wordsBusiness is still dull. Flour at mills same as last quotations, although business is done at lower figure. Teas nominally £3 per chest, sugars looking up, £18 to £21 per ton, brandies ...
Article : 45 wordsBy the TAm O'SHANTER we have London news to the 13th November, three days later than had previously come to hand. On the 11th November, Parliament ...
Article : 250 wordsHis Honor Mr. Justice a'Beckett took his seat at 10 o'clock, and a Jury was about being empannelled, when the Crown Prosecutor informed His Honor that the only case remaining undisposed ...
Article : 1,875 wordsMails will close for the undermentioned places as follow:— William Parker, for London, this evening. Swan, for Launceston, ditto. ...
Article : 26 words{No abstract available}
Family Notices : 76 wordsMr. Justice a Beckett were a Scotchman or had any of the blood of the seers of the "second sight" in his veins, we should be strongly inclined to pronounce him ...
Article : 576 wordsYou will see by the Sydney papers that during the past week we have been visited with some very heavy rain, as heavy as have been witnessed here for the last ten or twelve years. Every ...
Article : 184 wordsVICTIMISING A BUSHMAN.—A few days since, a bushman who had arrived in town with more money than wit, happened, whilst sojourning at a public house in town ...
Article : 4,675 wordsPlease choose from the following download options:
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The Melbourne Argus (Vic. : 1846 - 1848), Tue 21 Mar 1848, Page 2
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