February 13.—Lillias, schooner, Smith master, from Hobart Town. Pessengers—Mr. and 2 Misses Mortimer, Mesdames Smith, M'Donald, Johnson, Poole, and Coventry; Messrs. ...
Article : 427 wordsGUICHEN AND RIVOLI BAYS.—Captain Underwood, formerly of the Governor Gawler, gives the following account of the state of affairs at Guichen and Rivoli Bays:—The social ...
Article : 5,440 wordsTHURSDAY evening, February 18th, the performances will commence with a celebrated drama, entitled, THE DEATH TOKEN. Song, Mrs. Richards; song, Mr. Newson; song, ...
Article : 74 wordsWE request the attention of our readers to the requisition to the Mayor, and his Worship's reply (which appear in another column), convening a public general ...
Article : 101 wordsTHE following document was circulated yesterday: the proposals it contains are worthy of the most serious consideration of the colonists:— ...
Article : 1,376 wordsThe Hawk brings Singopore papers to the 4th November, which bring up our India news to the 15th October, and that from China to the 19th. ...
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The Melbourne Argus (Vic. : 1846 - 1848), Tue 16 Feb 1847, Page 2
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