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  2. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 193 words
  3. The Export of Ores for Treatment

    The Newcastle Labor Council, impressed with the idea that the ranks of the unemployed are swollen, among other ways, by the fact that millions ...

    Article : 326 words
  4. Ignorant Critics

    In his remarks at the meeting of farmers at the Bathurst Experimental Farm on Wednesday the manager, Mr. R. W. Peacock made reference ...

    Article : 362 words

    Yesterday's match between the Kangaroos and Swinton bad to be postponed on account of a dense fog. Playing yesterday against a ...

    Article : 120 words
  6. The School of Nature

    The Nature Study Exhibition, which opened on the Bathurst show ground yesterday, provides a wonderful manifestation of what can be done ...

    Article : 379 words

    The luncheon was hold in the tea room under the grandstand at half-past 5. The Mayor (Aid. F. B. Kenny) presided, and amongst others present were Bishop ...

    Article : 1,807 words
  8. £41,000 Worth of Wheat

    Judgment was given in Equity to-day by Mr. Justice Street in the application by Mr: C. F, Lloyd, official liquidator of the Farmers and ...

    Article : 534 words
  9. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 46 words
  10. Murder of a Chinese

    The Chinese storekeeper, Fie Kee Jang, who was taken, to the Sydney Hospital yesterday, suffering from a fractured skull, died this morning. ...

    Article : 202 words

    The official opening took place from the stage in the agricultural pavilion. Mr. L. Blumer, senior inspector of Schools, presided, and amongst others who occupied ...

    Article : 1,093 words
  12. The Bonus Bill Passed.

    In the Senate, yesterday the Iron Bonus Bill was taken through committee and read a third time. ...

    Article : 21 words
  13. Our Best Immigrant—The Baby

    A lot of nonsense has been talked from time, to time concerning the low birth rate of this and other Australian States. The fact is that a high birth ...

    Article : 608 words

    Yesterday afternoon, the exhibition was attended by about 800 persons, and in the evening the attendance was between 2000 and 3000. The receipts for the day totalled ...

    Article : 31 words
  15. Dunn's Plains Jockey Club

    Importantant business is set down for consideration at a meeting of the Dunn's Plains Jockey Club to be held at Kiely's Commercial Hotel, Rookley, to-morrow at ...

    Article : 42 words

    Concerts were held during the afternoon. The programmes were made up of choruses, action songs, and physical displays by the children; vocal solos by Clarence Kefford, ...

    Article : 81 words
  17. The Trotting Trouble.

    The trustees of the Bathurst showground yesterday decided that they had no power to prevent the inquiry into the trotting trouble, originating out of charges mode by ...

    Article : 40 words
  18. The Weather

    Fine, warm weather prevailed in Bathurst yesterday. Similar conditions are predicted for to-day. Rockley and Trunkey Creek reported 31 and 28 points, ...

    Article : 44 words
  19. The Education Department

    In the course of an address at the opening of the Nature, Study Exhibition, on the Bathurst showground yesterday, Mr. John Miller, M.L.A., said that there were four ...

    Article : 444 words
  20. Saturday's Issue

    To-morrow's issue of eight pages will contain the introduction to a series of articles on Rypnotism by Mr. Geo. Gunter, Nutshells by the Colonel, Boudoir by Bee, ...

    Article : 63 words
  21. Sewerage and Water

    At last night's Orange Council a communication was read from the Department of Works re the proposed sewerage scheme at Orange. It stated ...

    Article : 362 words
  22. Christmas Excursion Trains

    In the Legislative Assembly yesterday, Mr. Waddell, in reply to Mr. Ball, said that he would bring under tho notice of the Commissioners a suggestion to the effect ...

    Article : 55 words
  23. Minimum Wags Bill.

    In the Legislative Assembly last night, Mr. Hogue moved the second reading of the Minimum Wage Bill, Opposition members of Government supporters ...

    Article : 61 words
  24. Billiards

    At the close of this afternoon's session in the billiard match, Lindrum v. Smith, the scores were: Smith 4876, Lindrum 4105, smith made ...

    Article : 42 words
  25. Personal

    Mr. William Courtney, Bathurst's popular livery stable proprietor, sets sail for West Australia next Saturday week with a dual object—to recuperate and to visit a ...

    Article : 97 words

    At the last meeting of the Forbes Farmers' and Settlers' Association, a resolution was carried affirming the desirability of a conference between ...

    Article : 122 words

    Shaw Strickland at the Forbes police court, pleaded guilty to having nine wild docks in his possession during close season, and was fined ...

    Article : 89 words

    President Roosevelt has the greatest possible respect for mothers. In a recent ad dress he stated that mothers were the saviours of the Nation, and in national ...

    Article : 138 words
  29. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 60 words
  30. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 20 words
  31. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 20 words



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