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  2. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 223 words
  3. List of Candidates.

    {No abstract available}

    Detailed lists, results, guides : 393 words

    We have been favored with what purports to be a copy of Mr. Reid's manifesto, to the electors of King Division; but from internal evidence, we are ...

    Article : 1,467 words
  5. Illness of Mr. Suttor.

    The Hon. F. B. Suttor is confined to his room at Katella, suffering from an attack of influenza. ...

    Article : 22 words
  6. Death at Mandurama.

    Mr. John Pearce, proprietor of the Red Lion Hotel at Mandurama, died on Thursday after some time of suffering. The deceased was a very old resident of Mandurama, and ...

    Article : 53 words
  7. Here & There

    At the winter meeting of the Newcastle branch of the New South Wales League of Wheelmen on Saturday R. Mutton, of Bathurst, won the Two Miles Scratch Race. ...

    Article : 33 words
  8. Election Pars.

    A "Gazette" notice on Saturday stated writs bad been issued for the general election, and detailed the arrangements for the election. ...

    Article : 70 words
  9. Hon. S. Smith.

    Tho Hon. Sydney Smith announces himself as the Liberal Federalist candidate for Bathurst, and intimates that he will address the electors at an early date. ...

    Article : 29 words
  10. Mr. P. V Ryan.

    This gentleman's many friends will be pleased to learn that he has arrived in America in splendid health. Writing from San Francisco, Mr. Ryan tells of the great ...

    Article : 137 words
  11. Mr. Paul's Candidature.

    Mr. W. H. Paul, who is contesting the Macquarie electorate, in this issue advertises his programme of addresses, dating from to-morrow until Saturday. ...

    Article : 27 words
  12. Cadbury's Cocoa

    Stands all tests, because it is absolutely pure. The "Lancet" says: "It represents the standard of highest purity at present attainable." ...

    Article : 27 words
  13. An Organised Demonstration.

    Mr. Newman, M.P., arrived from Sydney by the passenger train this evening and was met by a torchlight procession and the band, who escorted him ...

    Article : 314 words

    {No abstract available}

    Detailed lists, results, guides : 290 words
  15. Billiards.

    Mr. F.Weiss, the champion billiardist of Australia, who has been recently touring the Western district, is visiting Bathurst, and will play a match with Mr. W. R. Maynard, ...

    Article : 139 words
  16. Reserve Rifle Club.

    In future the competitions of the Reserve Rifle Club will only be held on each alternate Wednesday and Saturday, instead of weekly as formerly. There will be no shooting ...

    Article : 33 words

    The more Mr. Reid's manifesto is considered in political circles the less appreciated it is by his own followers. They do not agree with him on different ...

    Article : 228 words
  18. Telegraph Department. Parkes Show.

    The following transfers have been approved: Mr. John Hogan, operator, Dubbo, to a similar position, Camden; Mr. Alex. Blane, operator, Byrock, to a similar position, The annual show of the P.A. and H. Association will take place on Wednesday and Thursday, 3rd and 4th August, when the event mentioned, with auxiliary attractions, ...

    Article : 121 words
  19. COUNTRY.

    {No abstract available}

    Detailed lists, results, guides : 735 words

    New South Wales: Cloudy to showery along the coast line and southern border; foggy inland; heavy frosts in parts; moderate seas. ...

    Article : 32 words

    The political campaign which is to make or mar the future of N. S. Wales for the next decade is now fairly entered upon; and the manifest duty of every ...

    Article : 685 words

    SIR,—Since Major-General French took command of the N.S.W. Military Forces, he has taken great exception to the way in which association matches are ...

    Article : 500 words
  23. To Correspondents.

    To correspondent, " A Sufferer." We regret the tone of your letter is too strong for publication. We are aware that an organised gang is in existence and that the party you ...

    Article : 45 words
  24. The Rose Maiden.

    The date for the production of the delicious cantata, abovenamed, which Mr. T. H. Massey is arranging for, is drawing near, and those who are to take part should lose no ...

    Article : 46 words
  25. The Nominations.

    {No abstract available}

    Detailed lists, results, guides : 189 words
  26. Death of an Old Resident.

    The death took place yesterday of a very old resident, Mr. George Bonnor. He was 78 years of age, and had spent close upon half-a-century in the city, following various ...

    Article : 81 words
  27. Mr. Millen's Candidature.

    Mr. E. D. Millen has commenced a tour of his electorate. He has held successful meetings at North Bourke and Pera Bore, where a vote of confidence ...

    Article : 56 words
  28. St. Stephen's Debating Society.

    The above society met last evening in the vestry of the Presbyterian Church. The subject for discussion proved to be a very interesting one, and there was a good ...

    Article : 123 words
  29. Mr. Waddell at Carcoar.

    Mr. Waddell on Friday night addressed the electors, Mr. Patrick By[?]nes (Mayor) in the chair. He stated he had introduced successfully several bills ...

    Article : 210 words
  30. Bathurst Liedertafel.

    Too much credit cannot be given the executive of above admirable institution for the energy they display in making it as popular as its intentions deserve. One would think, ...

    Article : 133 words
  31. Strange Suicide.

    On Sunday morning, Constable Bonnetts discovered a body, which was afterwards identified as that of Arthur Paris Fenner, a commission agent, in the Botanical Gardens, ...

    Article : 133 words
  32. Macquarie.

    About 30 Wattle flat residents have enrolled themselves as a general committee with two sub-committees, to do the active canvassing for Mr. W. F. ...

    Article : 28 words
  33. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 34 words
  34. Wellington Electorate.

    To-day Mr. W. Gallaway has definitely decided to contest the election here against Mr. John Haynes Mr. Gallaway stands as a Federalist under Mr. Barton's banner, and is an able exponent ...

    Article : 75 words
  35. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 13 words



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