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  2. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 12 words
  3. Move to curb road toll SPECIAL COURT FOR TRAFFIC OFFENCES

    A SPECIAL court to deal with all traffic offences in the metropolitan area is to be established. Main objects of the court will be: To provide a uniform scale of penalties. ...

    Article : 329 words

    IN another swift move to seize West Java from the Indonesian Republic, the Pasoendan Party has occupied eight railway stations between Meester Cornelius (an outer suburb of Batavia) and ...

    Article : 155 words

    Open conflict between Communists and moderate-controlled unions is expected after a meeting of ...

    Article : 256 words

    YOU CAN'T KEEP HER PICTURE off page one when each airmail brings a new and attractive study of Princess ... [ILLUSTRATED]

    Article : 83 words
  7. HMS Vanguard to retain Royal suite

    Another pointer to a forthcoming Royal visit to Australia is a report that the Royal suite on HMS Vang[?]rd, which took ...

    Article : 81 words
  8. Victoria has first touch of winter

    Melbourne experienced its first touch of winter yesterday after a prolonged spell of mild autumn weather. ...

    Article : 115 words
  9. Cabinet extends bank chiefs' terms

    CANBERRA, Mon: Cabinet to-day extended the terms of Mr H. T. Armitage, governor of the Commonwealth Bank, and ...

    Article : 50 words
  10. Viceroy to have wide powers in talks

    British political quarters, says Reuter's political correspondent, believe that Lord Mountbatten will return to India with wide powers to ...

    Article : 65 words
  11. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 39 words
  12. Queen Mory goes to Palace on 80th birthday

    Telegrams and messages of congratulation for Queen Mary on the celebration of her 80th birthday began to arrive at ...

    Article : 145 words
  13. Manufacturers' president

    MR C. N. McKAY, who will be elected today as the president of the Victorian Chamber of Manufactures. ... [ILLUSTRATED]

    Article : 25 words
  14. Labour forbids members to join Soviet body

    By a large majority, the annual conference of the Labour Party rejected a resolution advocating recogntiion of the right of Party ...

    Article : 78 words
  15. Wives mistrust their husbands' motives

    Women are preventing their husbands from joining a London anti-aircraft regiment because ATS girls are in it. Twice ...

    Article : 53 words
  16. Bendigo drill hall for factories

    CANBERRA, Mon: Following nis visit to Bendigo at the weekend, Mr Chambers, Army Minister, has directed that the Golden Square ...

    Article : 118 words
  17. Workmen save mate from tent fire

    Workmates rescued a man who became trapped beneath a burning tent at Wesburn, near Warburton, last night. He was Joseph Abendryte, ...

    Article : 98 words
  18. Invents things while awaiting trial

    Pofessor Willi Messerschmidt, who designed Germany's best warplanes and who is now awaiting trial before a ...

    Article : 47 words
  19. Big food shipment leaves this week

    More than a quarter of a million tins of food given by the public will be included in a shipment of 700 cubic tons of Red Cross relief ...

    Article : 43 words



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