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  2. Sporting Notes.

    Canowindra J. C. Meeting September [?]pigeon match morning of same date. Unpunctually at the starting post was the cause of all the riders in the ...

    Article : 517 words
  3. Wool and Produce Report.

    The Australian Woolbrookers Association report as follows for week ending August 22nd 1902. WOOL. ...

    Article : 297 words
  4. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 87 words
  5. Notice in Stock Owners.

    In this issue the Trustees of the Canowindra Temporary Common notifies owners of stock that all animals unregistered straying on the Common after ...

    Article : 144 words
  6. Canowiudra P., A. and H. Association.

    The first mooting of the newly elected committee of the above took place on Saturday afternoon last. There were present.—Messrs J. H. Marshall, W. H. ...

    Article : 1,566 words
  7. Sale of Sheep at Cowra.

    On Saturday next to-morrow, [?] E. Fi[?]n, in conjunction with Messrs Rose and King, of Cowra, will, at the Western Sale Yards, dispose of 2000 ...

    Article : 60 words
  8. A wager.

    For some time past there has been a good deal of disputing between the fanciers of "Young Briton" a draught horse owned by Mr. Jno. Boyd and the owner ...

    Article : 248 words
  9. Belmore Items.

    A meeting of Belmore cricketers, held on Monday evening at the office of the Blue Jacket Co., took the initial steps necessary for the formation of a strong ...

    Article : 513 words
  10. Local News.

    Mr Jno. Scrimshaw informs us that for some considerable time past he has been suffering from a fatty tumor on his left shoulder, which at length grew to such ...

    Article : 132 words
  11. General News

    A social held at Burdett last week for the purpose of raising funds to establish a school library netted £3. Burdett is fortunate in having a competent and ...

    Article : 502 words
  12. Wool.

    Winchcombe Carson and Co., Ltd report:— The Sydney wool market remains firm for all classes of scorned wools, though ...

    Article : 103 words
  13. Heavy losses In Sheep.

    It is estimated that £2000 will not cover the loss in sheep sustained by Mr. J. M. Atkinson on his Canomodine Station near Cargo. Mr. Jas Fisher, "Pride ...

    Article : 59 words
  14. Loss of a valuable Pony.

    Many persons will remember the pony winner of the trotting handicap at the Canowindra P., A., and H. Exhibition of last year and the many friends of her ...

    Article : 267 words
  15. Canowindra Cricket Club:

    A meeting of cricketers as advertised in our last issue, took place at Mr. J. H. Marshall's Victoria Hotel on Saturday evening last, and although there was a ...

    Article : 246 words
  16. Homebush Stock Sales.

    The values ruling for stock on Monday last at Homebush especially cattle, betoken dear meat to consumers. Although sheep wore not above previous ...

    Article : 348 words
  17. Lockwood.

    THE WEATHER.—After patiently waiting for months we have at last been favored with a good rainfall. On Thursday last the alouds had obscured the ...

    Article : 169 words
  18. "The New Idea,"

    To hand we have a journal calculated to fill a long felt want in Australia.—A well printed paper for women. It is neatly get up and prettily designed. It ...

    Article : 111 words
  19. Burdett.

    A most enjoyable dance was held in the Burdett hall on Wednesday night last and considering the counter attractions in the neighbouring towns was a ...

    Article : 144 words
  20. Curraiong Tang.

    Hon. T Waddell member for Cowra has recommended that pump and troughs to be placed at Currajong Tank cost of same not to exceed £20 and that when ...

    Article : 61 words



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