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    Metropolitan forecast for to-day: Cloudy at times, with a local shower or two; wind squally southeasterly. ...

    Article : 1,000 words
  3. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 712 words
  4. Women's Nationality.

    The Minister of the Interior (Mr. R. A. Parkhill) announced after the Cabinet meeting last night that it had been decided to raise the question ...

    Article : 123 words

    In his policy speech, delivered In Sydney last night, the new Premier of New South Wales (Mr. B. S. B. Stevens) did not mince matters. He ...

    Article : 806 words

    Sir Leslie Orme Wilson, GovernorDesignate of Queensland, has advised the Brisbane branch of the R.S.S.I.L.A. that he has been pleased to accept ...

    Article : 461 words

    One question there is which Labour supporters might, with advantage, put to themselves: Why do they so readily assume that the ...

    Article : 354 words
  8. Sale of Ipswich Woollens.

    Every one loves a bargain, and the hundreds of persons who flocked to the auction rooms of Isles, Love, and Co., Pty., Ltd. yesterday morning ...

    Article : 109 words
  9. Family Notices

    {No abstract available}

    Family Notices : 675 words
  10. Ipswich Show and Buderim.

    The recent Ipswich Show and the Buderim Mountain area form two of the principal features of the pictorial section of this week's "Queenslander." ...

    Article : 181 words
  11. Cane Prices Board.

    His Honour Mr. Justice Webb (chairman of the Central Cane[?]Prices Board) will leave by the Northern mail on Thursday to preside at various ...

    Article : 67 words

    The fight against the mosquito is a fight against disease. That truth is now almost universally admitted, but still there is a public apathy ...

    Article : 317 words

    The late Mr. Edward James Lawrence, whose death took place suddenly on May 5, was 77 years of age, and Was born in Melbourne. He ...

    Article : 171 words
  14. Inaccurate Deduction.

    Dr. R. Hamlyn-Harris, City Entomologist, declares that the campaign against mosquitoes has it humorous as well as its serious side. Some time ago ...

    Article : 125 words
  15. Editorial Notices.

    All letters, news items, and other contributions intended for publication should be addressed to the Editor. ...

    Article : 165 words

    The Australian delegation to the Imperial Conference at Ottawa will sail in the course of a few weeks. But that delegation will Have but ...

    Article : 533 words
  17. Entomological Problems.

    In his recent presidential address to members of the Entomological Society of Queensland Dr. A. J. Turner gave an interesting and comprehensive ...

    Article : 257 words
  18. Mr. G. H. Boundy.

    Mr. G. H. Boundy, of Rockbourne Terrace, Upper Paddington, died early on Wednesday morning in a private hospital in Melbourne. With his wife ...

    Article : 177 words
  19. FIRST IN QUEENSLAND, The Brisbane Courier.

    The Leader of the Federal Labour organisation in New South Wales (Mr. J. P. Coates), in his criticism of the Lang Party's policy, says that ...

    Article : 859 words

    The third session of the 24th Parilament of Tasmania was opened this afternoon by the Lieutenant-Governor (Sir Herbert Nicholls). The ...

    Article : 282 words

    The Australian gold production for the quarter ended March 31 is estimated by the Commonwealth Statistician's Department at 156,119 fine ...

    Article : 115 words
  22. Mr. Frank Cullen.

    The death occurred yesterday at his residence, Stoneleigh Street, Albion, of Mr. Frank Cullen, brotherin-law to his Grace, Archbishop ...

    Article : 250 words
  23. Attracting Foxes.

    A novel idea for fox hunting has been introduced in this district (writes our Glen Innes correspondent). The squeal of a rabbit in a trap ...

    Article : 78 words
  24. Queensland's External Trade.

    Queensland's very favourable position as an oversea exporter is revealed in a summary of the State's external trade for 1931, which has been ...

    Article : 237 words
  25. Council Petrol Contracts.

    The Brisbane City Council has advised the contractors for oil and petrol to the council that claims for increased charges, due to the ...

    Article : 179 words
  26. Sir F. D. Green.

    The death occurred last evening of Sir Frederick Daniel Green, the wellknown ship owner, at the age of 62 years. The deceased was a manager of ...

    Article : 44 words



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