SOME sheep were trespassing in one of our paddocks about a quarter of a mile from the homestead: so I sent Kaiser, my sheep-dog, to drive them out. One sheep broke away from the mob, and Kaiser tried his ... [ILLUSTRATED]
Article : 259 wordsAS far back as 1873 there lived and worked on the homestead of Moreton Park the most cantankerous, quarrelsome old fellow ever it was anyone's lot to meet, named Mick Lyons. Mick's duties were to yard ... [ILLUSTRATED]
Article : 430 words"IT'S no use growing old if you don't prow artful." From the back of Dandy I [?]entimes aired my bush philosophy for the benefit of the old collie trotting beside us. Chloe seemed to be the only one who quite ...
Article : 446 wordsAS near as I can remember, about thirty years ago there lived a man by the name of John Derverei, an Italian, who conveyed passengers in a four-horse coach from Merimbula, on the South Coast, to Bombala. ... [ILLUSTRATED]
Article : 279 wordsONE summer evening, in South Melbourne, a man offered me a brown curly-haired retriever pup for ten shillings. I bought it, as I considered him cheap. He was soon old enough to train, and to my ...
Article : 513 wordsOUR fox-terrier Tuppy was a very affectionate and intelligent dog, and a source of much amusement and pleasure. On one occasion two members of the family were going to different houses, and made an appointment ...
Article : 367 wordsHE came to me one morning, pathetically footsore, starving and lost, a black and tan kelpie pup. His soft brown eyes smiled, and after giving him a good feed I cleaned his cracked feet of bindies and greased ...
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Sydney Mail (NSW : 1912 - 1938), Wed 9 Nov 1921, Page 16
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