Through the open window before her, Dolly Robinson stared at the big waves that dashed upon the beach. But she did not see them properly, for her mind was working hard. ...
Article : 1,486 words"Would you like to come with me, little Beatrice, to a lake that I know of far away in the north, where the sun shines warmly and the cold sea-breezes never come? Then ... [ILLUSTRATED]
Article : 1,965 wordsAs the evening shadows gather, Then 'tis cuddletime, I know, When my baby, dressed for Dreamland, Conies a-romping to me so; ...
Article : 136 wordsLetters from Young Folks under 18 years will be answered in this column. Stories and verses will be read and criticised, and if suitable may find a place on the "Young Folks'" Page. The age of the ...
Article : 658 wordsWhen skies are fair, And softest breezes blowing Through fields and meadows Rich with ripening corn; ...
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The Sydney Mail and New South Wales Advertiser (NSW : 1871 - 1912), Wed 18 Dec 1907, Page 1601
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