"Whate'er men do, or say, or think, or dream, Our motley paper seizes for its theme."—Pope. BY J.O.B. ...
Article : 1,600 wordsBut as a playground for holiday-makers of all ages, what is there comparable with the harbour itself? Its long stretches of sunny water, its sheltered nooks and quiet bays, ...
Article : 207 wordsSurf-bathing, fishing, boating, and other holiday occupations are the chief attractions of a host of coastal resorts. Within 40 miles of Sydney are coastal salt-water lakes and ...
Article : 164 wordsBut there is one other holiday-feature of the Christmas season which never palls. It Is the bush picnic, with its tent, and its billy-tea, and its pleasant musical evenings; its ...
Article : 206 wordsThe fast-vanishing tribes of the eastern States have left little to remind succeeding generations of their existence. Along the seaboard, and chiefly in the vicinity of Broken ...
Article : 822 wordsSo much has been done to make the Blue Mountains attractive to tourists that most residents of New South Wales are fully alive to the natural beauties of the cordillera and ...
Article : 193 wordsThe limestone mysteries of some parts of New South Wales are amongst the great wonders of the Commonwealth, and are largely visited by local people as well as tourists from ...
Article : 247 wordsO'er the silver-crested mountains Softly Christmas morning wakes, Where the song of river-fountains Through the slumb[?]rous silence breaks; ...
Article : 232 wordsNew South Wales has jumped with astonishing suddenness into repute as a trout-fishing paradise. Anglers who used to go to New Zealand and Tasmania now turn to the local ...
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The Sydney Mail and New South Wales Advertiser (NSW : 1871 - 1912), Wed 11 Dec 1907, Page 1499
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