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  2. "NOT GUILTY."

    STEPHEN would have had one warm and not unimportant friend at his back had he decided, as his few well-wishers desired him to do, upon remaining in his own county and braving public opinion. Mr. Thorne, of ... [ILLUSTRATED]

    Article : 3,070 words

    The principal dramatic event of the week was of course, the return of Miss Nellie Stewart. After an absence of about three years she re-appeared at Her Majesty's ...

    Article : 1,421 words
  4. MUSIC.

    Mr. George Boyle, the well-known Sydney pianist, who went to Europe a couple of years ago, and there married a Dutch lady, has now assumed control of both the ...

    Article : 406 words

    Tenders were opened on Monday for the second section of the North Coast railway. This section is from Dungog to Gloucester. It is 39 miles in length, and covers the interval ...

    Article : 497 words
  6. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 551 words



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