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    More Trade Unionists.—Reflecting the known increase, in Trade Union membership, the British Ministry of Labor reports a rise of 272,000 during 1935 ...

    Article : 262 words
  3. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 95 words
  4. SPAIN.

    Nazi Plot Revealed. —German Nazi agents had counted on a complete and immediate victory of the Spanish Fascists in their rebellion against the Government. ...

    Article : 86 words
  5. SPAIN.

    Rebels Meet Trouble in Morocco.—The position of General Franco is far from brilliant, in spite of optimistic reports emanating from rebel headquarters. He ...

    Article : 230 words
  6. MEXICO.

    Labor Marches Ahead.—The Workers' Federation of the State of Tamailipas, which was formed recently, has affiliated with the Confederation of Mexican ...

    Article : 95 words
  7. FRANCE.

    French Fascists in Morocco.—It is reported that French army officers in Morocco have developed treasonlike activity to the point where they are openly ...

    Article : 276 words

    Mustn't Help Spanish Workers.—An unemployed miner named Thomas Hofer, of Knittelfeld, was arrested while asking for a contribution for the workers in Spain. ...

    Article : 121 words
  9. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 424 words
  10. CANADA.

    Fascists Terrorise Jews.—A virtual reign of terror swept through the Jewish section of Montreal on the night of October 23 as Fascist bullies paraded the streets and ...

    Article : 148 words
  11. NORWAY.

    Progress of Trade Union Movement.—At the last annual meeting of the General Council of the Norwegian National Trade Union Centre, held at Oslo on September ...

    Article : 225 words

    Unemployment Declines.—The number of unemployed persons registered by the employment exchanges in Czecho-Slovakia during July and August, 1936, shows a ...

    Article : 124 words
  13. RUSSIA.

    Farms for Peasants.—Peasants in the North Caucasus district have received a present from the Soviet—three and a half million acres of land. The secret behind ...

    Article : 209 words
  14. DANZIG.

    Socialist Party Banned.—Dissolution of the Socialist Party at Danzig was ordered on October 14 by the Nazi Chief of Police, the excuse being an allegation that Party ...

    Article : 159 words
  15. GERMANY.

    Thaelmann Not to be Tried.—Ernst Thaelmann, the German Communist leader, who has been awaiting trial for more than three and a half years, is not ...

    Article : 246 words
  16. FINLAND.

    Women in Parliament.—The results of the recent elections in Finland are satisfactory so far as the number of women elected is concerned. There are 16 women ...

    Article : 273 words

    Biff Maritime Strike.—Over 35,000 maritime workers on the Pacific seaboard in Alaska and at Hawaii struck on October 28 to protect their Unions and their ...

    Article : 236 words
  18. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 53 words



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