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  2. Tomingley.

    There was not much excitement over the election. The result was a boil-over, Mr. Cass, our old member, being thrown out. The old proverb that a new broom sweeps clean, I hope will be verified, as there is plenty of work to ...

    Article : 422 words
  3. The Railway to Forbes.

    The report of Mr. Mackenzie, civil engineer, employed in the survey of the railway line from Coombing, near Carcoar, to Borenore, is published, and the plans are on view. The engineer adopts the Borenore permanently surveyed line ...

    Article : 171 words
  4. Port Macquarie.

    The people of this historic town are wondering when the Government intend to comply with the prayer of their petition for the incorporation of the township. Some time in August last a request was made by over 80 persons, who ...

    Article : 744 words
  5. Capture of an Escaped Prisoner.

    Late last night Senior-sergeant Cornett and Senior-constable O'Loughlin arrived, bringing the prisoner Potts, who escaped from gaol. He was re-arrested in an unoccupied hut on the Brindabella Mountains. The police rode ...

    Article : 108 words
  6. Flood and Washaway on the Railway.

    Unprecedentedly heavy rain fell along an extensive tract of the southern line List night, resulting in a very serious wash away about a mile and a-half an the Sydney side of Illabo. The appearance of the line where the mishap has ...

    Article : 627 words
  7. Telegrams.

    At the Quarter Sessions last night, after the conclusion of the case Wan Goon and wife, charged with keeping a disorderly house, the solicitor for the accused asked that the prisoners might be liberated on bail, as it was too late to ...

    Article : 2,905 words
  8. Railway Meeting at Wollongong.

    An influential meeting, convened by the Mayor, in response to a requisition, was held in the Town Hall to-night to urge on the Government the necessity of at once proceeding with the construction of a loop line to connect ...

    Article : 431 words
  9. Fire at Adelong.

    Chanson and Co.'s store was totally destroyed by fire this morning. The fire was first observed at a quarter to 7, and all efforts to save the stock and premises were of no avail. The fire burned fiercely for two hours. ...

    Article : 179 words
  10. Opening of the Cato Bridge.

    The ceremony of opening the Cato Bridge was performed this afternoon with much eclat. A large number of townspeople, including many ladies, were present. A procession fully half a mile long was formed and marched to the ...

    Article : 120 words
  11. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 49 words



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