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    THE R.M.S. Coromandel, with the English mails of December 24, arrived at Albany, on Tuesday. HIS Excellency the Governor has consented to become the patron of the Balmain Bowing Club. ...

    Article : 3,420 words
  3. Air Supply to Coal Mines.

    THE views of the coal mine owners and managers of the Newcastle district on the air supply question were laid before the Minister for Mines on Wednesday by a deputation from the Managers' Association. The managers ...

    Article : 143 words
  4. Meeting of the Opposition.

    A MEETING of the Opposition was held in the Opposition room on Wednesday afternoon, to discuss the question of electing a leader of the party and other matters. There was a large attendance, and the chair was ...

    Article : 121 words
  5. Asphaltum Pavement.

    ON Wednesday Messrs. Jones and M'Clure, representing the Patent Asphaltum Company, waited upon the Mayor of Sydney, and requested him to inspect some asphaltum roadway which, had been laid near the tram ...

    Article : 162 words
  6. The Hawkesbury Bridge.

    THE subject of the bridge to be erected over the Hawkesbury River in connection with the Homebush to Waratah railway was brought under the notice of the Legislative Assembly on Wednesday by Mr. J. P. Abbott, ...

    Article : 116 words
  7. The Macleay Electorate.

    MUCH sympathy for Mr. R. B. Smith, M.L.A., has been expressed throughout the electorate of the Macleay, on account of the appeal recently lodged with the Elections and Qualifications Committee by Mr. ...

    Article : 306 words
  8. Extradition Court.

    His Excellency the Governor presided at an Extradition Court on Thursday, when the cases of two French escapees from New Caledonia were dealt with. The names of the escapees ore Jean Baptiste Noel Dufour, ...

    Article : 94 words
  9. Canary Show.

    The third annual exhibition, under the auspices of the New South Wales Canary Society, will be held in the Temperance Hall, on Tuesday, April 13, and two following days. It will be under the patronage of his ...

    Article : 74 words



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