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  2. TO-DAY'S NEWS IN BRIEF. Queensland.

    Metropolitan forecast.—Generally fine and warmer, with light to moderate easterly, veering north-easterly, winds. ...

    Article : 141 words
  3. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 171 words
  4. No title

    By special arrangement, Reuters world's service, in addition to other special sources of information, is used in the compilation of the overseas intelligence published in ...

    Article : 39 words

    It is learned that there is disappointment at the Palace that the King's condition, despite a good night, showed no progress sufficient to be ...

    Article : 133 words
  6. Counterfeiters' Ruse.

    Counterfeiters arrested recently in Athens, Greece, were discovered to be making American money. Having no special American bank note paper, the ...

    Article : 94 words
  7. "The Good Old Days!"

    Lecturing at Hamilton (New Zealand) recently, Mr. B. L. Dallard, Controller-General of Prisons, illustrated the changed attitude of society towards ...

    Article : 144 words

    Sir Wallace Bruce, of Adelaide, the chairman of the Industrial Peace Conference that is now in recess, has made a striking and ...

    Article : 1,827 words
  9. Family Notices

    {No abstract available}

    Family Notices : 1,119 words
  10. Moscow's Way.

    At a conference of editors of Soviet newspapers, Molotoff, a member of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party, drew attention to the ...

    Article : 112 words
  11. Mad Gambling.

    A strange society has just been formed in Budapest (Hungary). The wives of gamblers have banded themselves into an anonymous union, with ...

    Article : 161 words
  12. Family Notices

    {No abstract available}

    Family Notices : 408 words
  13. City Hall Revival.

    If any enterprising gentleman had wished to conduct bargain-hunters over the new City Hall during the past week, not a single alderman would ...

    Article : 158 words

    Her Majesty the Queen, in a message to the Lord Mayor of London, in reply to the city's New Year address says: "The address, with its ...

    Article : 165 words
  15. Interstate.

    Eight persons, all of them members of two families, were injured yesterday, when a motor car and a motor lorry, both carrying passengers, met ...

    Article : 254 words
  16. Use for "Red" Leaflets.

    A singular example of the economy practised by the police of Toulon, the naval port in the south of France, has come to light. A reservist received ...

    Article : 170 words
  17. Prophetic Auctioneer.

    Mr. Tudor Williams, a prominent Pontypridd (Wales) auctioneer, was conducting a sale of furniture at Hinckley s Arcade, neal the Old Taff ...

    Article : 165 words

    Mr. Charles M. M'Carthy, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. M. M'Carthy, Bona Vista. Paddington has passed the fourth year examination in medicine ...

    Article : 68 words
  19. A Dwarf Railway.

    A great deal has been heard since the war about railway amalgamation in England, and elsewhere, but not all the little railway companies have been ...

    Article : 174 words

    A very old and highly respected resident of the Springsure district passed away early on Christmas morning in the person of Mr. G. Creed, of ...

    Article : 239 words
  21. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 371 words
  22. International.

    The latest bulletin, issued at 11.15 o'clock yesterday morning, declared that the King had a good night, and the general and local conditions were ...

    Article : 203 words
  23. Sky-scraper University.

    Pittsburg, Pennsylvania (U.S.A.), has discovered a new method of maintaining its position of eminence in the world of learning. A "skyscraper," ...

    Article : 178 words
  24. Youthful Bullfighters.

    A last desperate attempt to revive the past glories of the bull-ring is being made in Spain by means of two schoolboys, Manolo and Pepe ...

    Article : 184 words
  25. "Artificial Men."

    A suggestion that perhaps in the year 2428 artificial men may be created in chemists' laboratories was put forward recently by the general ...

    Article : 208 words

    The returns issued by the Exchequer for the first nine months of the current financial year show that the receipts amounted to £485,623,395, and the ...

    Article : 118 words
  27. The Daily Newspaper.

    At the anniversary festival dinner of the Printers' Pension Corporation, held in London recently, two high compliments were paid to the daily ...

    Article : 163 words

    A drowning case occurred at Slade Point this afternoon. Henry Samuels (aged 50 years), caretaker at Kynaston's camp at the Point, went out ...

    Article : 71 words

    The Chancellor of the Exchequer announces that the Government has nominated Sir Josiah Stamp and Lord Revelstoke to be the British members ...

    Article : 155 words
  30. Money Order Frauds.

    A warning against frauds on obliging tradespeople who change money orders for strangers is printed by the British Post Office on money orders which are ...

    Article : 200 words
  31. Horrors of Devil's Island.

    Twenty-two men in a small boat were drowned when their craft capsized in trying to escape from the French convict settlement of Devil's ...

    Article : 325 words

    It is generally agreed that New Year's Eve revels broke all records. Every hotel, restaurant, cabaret, and night club was crammed, and between ...

    Article : 64 words
  33. GENERAL NEWS. Fish Fuel.

    A time in the near future when the motorist may talk of his car's "fishpower," and boast of the miles he gets to the haddock or herring, was ...

    Article : 97 words
  34. Editorial Notices.

    Answers to correspondents appear on page 10. All letters, news items, and other contributions intended for ...

    Article : 119 words

    M. Litvinoff has sent notes to Poland and Lithuania suggesting the signature of special protocols with Russia, giving effect to the Kellogg Pact ...

    Article : 63 words
  36. Objectionable Plays.

    A stage censorship has been initiated in New York, and hardly a voice is raised in disapproval. The latest drama of Miss Mae West, called ...

    Article : 265 words
  37. Newspaper Museum.

    A newspaper museum has been started at the North-western University, Chicago, U.S.A., where it is intended to preserve historic records ...

    Article : 87 words
  38. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 86 words



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