The population on these gold-fields is increasing rapidly. The want of water is being felt severely, several mine puddling machines have been brought to a ...
Article : 79 wordsTHE following Despatch from Her Majesty's Principal Secretary of State for the Colonies, is published in the Government Gazette, for general information. (Circular.) ...
Article : 280 words{No abstract available}
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Family Notices : 1,541 wordsThe escort takes 2453 ounces gold end £1100 cash. Our population is decreasing. Many are leaving for the Lachlan. Water is very much wanted on this field. ...
Article : 63 wordsThe A. A. Company's miners placed themselves on half-work this morning, namely, 5s. a-day only. The cause is a dispute with their employers as to the prices to be paid for working the coal in the company's ...
Article : 47 wordsTHE following letter, from the Colonial Secretary to the Secretary of the Benevolent Society, in reply to a communication transmitting copies of resolutions adopted at a meeting of the committee, held on the 26th ultimo, was laid ...
Article : 728 words{No abstract available}
Detailed lists, results, guides : 443 wordsThis morning a young man, who gave his name as Frederick Howard, was brought up at the Police Court, charged with having yesterday uttered two forged cheques, value Of five pounds each, purporting ...
Article : 143 words{No abstract available}
Detailed lists, results, guides : 49 wordsAN enquiry in to the state of the police force is ordered by the Government. The Chief Commissioner having charged sergeants Kelly and Brown with conspiracy and exciting disaffection. ...
Article : 271 wordsPUBLIC CEMETERY.—The question as to the site of the public cemetery is at last settled. On the 28th ultimo, the Government concluded an arrangement for the purchase of two hundred acres of land at ...
Article : 931 wordsMr. William Date, one of the members for Burra and Clare, has resigned his seat in the Assembly. Parliament is to meet on the 25th of April. There are six recencies in the House of Assembly. ...
Article : 186 wordsTHE following circular has been addressed by the Chairman of the Prince Consort's Statue Association, inviting co-operation:— "Mort's-buildings, March 28,1862. ...
Article : 625 wordsVery favourable reports continue to be received both from the Brisbane and Ipswich Cotton Company's plantations. They have been inspected by experienced cultivators, who speak in the highest ...
Article : 347 words{No abstract available}
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Sydney Mail (NSW : 1860 - 1871), Sat 5 Apr 1862, Page 1
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