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  2. Advertising

    {No abstract available}

    Advertising : 50 words
  3. The Sunday School

    The Treasurer has received, with thanks, the following contributions to the funds of the S.S. Department:—Manly, 10s; Castle Hills, 5s; Wallsend, 6s 6d. Be early in sending your contribution to Mr. ...

    Article : 64 words
  4. Our Boys and Girls.

    My Dear Boys and Girls,—On the walls of our Rawson Hall we have a quaint picture. It was given to us by the Rev. Dr. Brown, General Secretary of Foreign Missoins. A native boy on one of the new ...

    Article : 495 words
  5. Sunday School Lesson.

    More than a year after the temptation of Jesus, described in our last lesson, by the Sea of Galilee near Capernaum, and early in the great Galilean ministry, there occurred this incident which reveals so ...

    Article : 870 words
  6. Psychology.

    There are two methods of examining our own minds. When we look into our own minds and find out what is going on there, we make use of what is known as the subjective method. When, on the other hand, we ...

    Article : 1,362 words



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