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  1. Please wait. Loading browse data... loading

    The Weather.—Glorious rains have fallen throughout the Central District. Emerald's share for the past month has been over 5in., while places in the ...

    Article : 625 words

    P[?]li[?] Court.—In the Police Court yesterday morning, Harry Ashton (24), station hand, was charged before the Acting Police Magistrate (Mr. Johnstone ...

    Article : 65 words
  4. KILCOY.

    Girl Guides.—Saturday, December [?]ls being the final meeting for this year of the Kilcoy Girl Guides, the troop gathered at the picnic spot near Mr. Tinney's farm, ...

    Article : 816 words

    Bands leave for Mackay.—Two of the local bands left by Monday night's Townsville mail train for the Mackay band contests. They paraded the streets and ...

    Article : 373 words

    Pastoral News,—Although the telegraphed reports show that on many of the Central Western holdings the rainfalls early in the week were under half an ...

    Article : 372 words

    Christmas Holidays.—The Christmas week-end holiday saw a great influx of visitors to Cleveland. A quiet and orderly time was spent, and no mishaps ...

    Article : 380 words

    Good Rains.—After threatening for several days, with scattered storms over a few portions of the district, good general rains fell throughout Monday night. Kalamis ...

    Article : 572 words

    Christmastide.—The welcome Tainfall of the preceding week brightened up the Christmas trade wonderfully, and, despite the adverse season, business is reported ...

    Article : 716 words

    Accident.—Frederick Davis (aged 10 years), of Spring Creek, fell on a stone yesterday, and broke his right upper [?]arm. ...

    Article : 21 words
  11. WARWICK.

    Accidents.—A painful accident happened [?]o Margaret M'Ginness, of Greymare, a child of eight or nine years. She was [?]eading her pony, an animal supposed to ...

    Article : 265 words
  12. No title

    This delightful picture, taken on Sunday, gives some ideae of the popularity of the broad expanse of surfing beach at Kirra. ... [ILLUSTRATED]

    Article : 21 words
  13. GRAFTON.

    Diseased Bullocks.—At Coff's Harbour Police Court, Joseph Wake pleaded not guilty to a charge of having failed to notify the authorities that he had in his ...

    Article : 330 words
  14. BUDERIM.

    Holidays.—Ideal weather was experieuced here over the Christmas holidays. The air was beautifully clear, and the large number of visitors were able to ...

    Article : 158 words
  15. NAMBOUR.

    Personal.—Miss Lewis (Sydney) is the [?]est of Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Collins at Maroochydore.—Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Watt (Brisbane) and family are visiting ...

    Article : 229 words
  16. MURGON.

    Butter Factory.—The Murgon Butter Factory manufactured 67 tons during November, which was a decrease of six tons as compared with October, and a ...

    Article : 38 words
  17. PELICAN.

    Christmas Tree, and Dance.—On December 22, a Christmas tree and dance was [?]eld in the Pelican Hall, in aid of funds for the Chinchilla Branch, ...

    Article : 141 words
  18. DULACCA.

    Weather.—At last the dry spell has [?]roken, and all parts of the district have [?]nefited by the steady rain, which has [?]allen during the past two weeks. The ...

    Article : 199 words
  19. LISMORE.

    Cancer Research.—The sum of £912 was raised in Lismore towards the New South Wales cancer research fund. A letter has been received from the cancer research ...

    Article : 286 words

    Fire.—A house owned by Mr. H. C. Phelps, and occupied by Mr. L[?]slie Broughton, was totally deatroyed by fire on Christmas Eve. The origin of the fire ...

    Article : 131 words
  21. NANANGO.

    Hospital Meeting.—A meeting of the committee of the Nanango Hospital took place on December 21, Mr. Oxley presiding. Leave of absence was granted to ...

    Article : 361 words

    Sunday School Anniversary.—There was a large congregation at the Sunday School anniversary and Christmas tree in the Lutheran Church on Christmas ...

    Article : 333 words

    Crops.—Following the recent good rains the district has made a remarkable recovery, and is now looking particularly well. The grass has made good growth, ...

    Article : 230 words
  24. GATTON.

    Testing Creek Water.—The town had a [?]sit on Thursday, December 23, from [?]ir, Sweeney (Railway Locomotive Department) with a view to taking samples ...

    Article : 217 words
  25. BUNYA.

    Weather.—Boxing Day was dull and showery, and on Tuesday morning a thunderstorm broke over the district, yielding 60 points. Everywhere ...

    Article : 54 words

    Personal.—Misses Sybil and Anne Haley have returned to Ipswich, after spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Dear. —Miss M. MacLeod, of Brisbane, is the ...

    Article : 82 words

    Personal.—Mr, J. H. Wiggans, railway, porter, has received notice of his transfer to Roma-street, Brisbane, at which place he takes up duty on January 12. Mr. ...

    Article : 180 words
  28. ALPHA.

    Christmas Fair.—A dance and Christmas fair in aid of the Church of England was held in Ryan's Hall on Friday night, December 17. A cap waltz was ...

    Article : 134 words
  29. MARBURG.

    Christmas Festivities.—Christmas tree celebrations were held during the festive season at the various churches on Christmas Eve. The Rev. H. E. Temme had ...

    Article : 159 words

    Benefit.—A euchre parly and dance in connection with St. Mary's ball funds was held in the Technical Hall. Beaudesert, on December 9. The attendance was very ...

    Article : 152 words
  31. LAIDLEY.

    Accident.—A painful accident happened [?] Mrs. Ellen Rogash, of Ortou-street, [?]idley, on Boxing Day morning at her [?]sidence. When descending to the back ...

    Article : 52 words

    Boring Operations.—Woodley's, Ltd., are sinking a bore at Tilboroo, and struck water at 2002ft. The bore is being continued, and they expect to strike a big ...

    Article : 32 words

    Personal.—Rev. Pastor Prenzler, Mrs. Prenzler, and baby daughter motored from Kingaroy, and were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. Griffin. While ...

    Article : 96 words
  34. HOME HILL.

    Weather.—There has been an appreciable change in weather conditions, and early-morning showers have fallen daily for nearly a week. The drought ...

    Article : 162 words

    Good Christmas.—The local business people report a very excellent Christmas trade in the face of the long adverse conditions. The recent break in the ...

    Article : 46 words
  36. DEGILBO.

    Weather.—After a week's rain the country is now a mantle of green. There has been a big increase in the supply of cream sent away from here in the ...

    Article : 131 words

    Brisbane Gymnasium Pupils.—Mr. J. J. Betts, in charge of 20 Brisbane gvmnasium pupils, is down here for two weeks' for life-saving and general ...

    Article : 115 words

    Methodist Services.—The Rev. Bye con[?]eted Methodist services in the Shire Hall [?] December 20, and, despite the inclement [?]eather, the services were well attended. ...

    Article : 105 words
  39. EUDLO.

    Weather.—Bounteous rains have fallen throughout this district during the past few weeks, and the country is looking at its best. The registrations total 22 ...

    Article : 56 words

    Dust Storm.—A fairly heavy dust storm was experienced on Sunday. A strong wind commenced blowing about 5 a.m., and continued to blow for 12 hours. The ...

    Article : 49 words

    Visitors.—A large crowd of people have arrived, and many tents are in evidence. Surf Club.—The Mooloolaba Surf Club have made excellent arrangements for the ...

    Article : 41 words

    Visitors.—All the houses are full of visitors. Christmas 'Day passed off quietly. After the bounteous rain, the place is bright and green. The weather is cool ...

    Article : 29 words



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